Poll 35 Room 78: CAKE

20 3 8

I LOOOOVVVVEEEE CCCAAAKKKKEEEE!!!!! And no, I didn't have too much of it.

I like looking at cakes (see above), eating cake and making cake. Anything to do with cake is good.

Inside-out cakes are the best. They're so cool.

Whoever invented ice cream cakes are geniuses right up next to Andy Lloyd Webber. (I've always wanted to call him that!!! *fangirls*)

My favourite cake is probably just a moist white cake. Or Snickerdoodle cake. Snickerdoodle cakes are amazing.

Cake anyone?? 🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂 *goes through devices and hand you cake*

What's your preferred cake??

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