Room 34: How to Annoy Non-TheatRE Kids XD

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1. Every time they ask to hang out,-"I have rehearsal."
2. Go on and on about your favourite Broadway star and when they ask who they are, get all mad and rant for days on how they should know because [Broadway star] is so cute blah blah blah etc.
3. Act like you don't care about any of their movies and continue obsessing about people they don't know.
4. During Tony season, rant how "it's SO much more than an awards show," then act like you don't care about their sports, etc.
5. If you have friends who are also theatre kids, annoy the non-theatre kids by belting out show tunes at any oven moment, and if someone says something to trigger a song, SING!!
6. (If their favorite singers are pop singers) Tell the non-theatre kids that the pop singers can't sing. (Me: weeellll...most of them can't.)
7. Quote lines from the show you are doing, your favorite show, anything that, well, annoys them.
8. Act overly hyper and friendly and basically embarrass them when you AREN'T at rehearsal and actually hanging out.
9. If you are with them in the car, only play showtunes.
10. Agonise over every detail of your audition in front of them, ask them chest voice or head voice? (Btw you should use both) When they ask what that is, rant about (again) how they should know and why don't they know etc.
You're welcome 😄😄

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