Room 25: Love Never Dies

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Oz it's so good.
Me watching:
Yells at screen: "Christine PICK PHANTOM/ERIK. YOU STINKIN RAOUL!!!! Choose Phantom. 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
A/N why am I doing this author's note? Anyways they had too much makeup on. They looked like dolls.
SING! Siiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg.
I wish it was the 25th anniversary cast....but that was England. This is Australia. Oh well.
Those clown people are seriously creepy.
Why Meg why do you like him???? (That wasn't a spoiler!) why why why?????????????
Omo Beneath the Moonless Sky is soooo intense. If you don't listen to the lyrics too closely... but oh look at the pic above now. That is family. A messed up family. You're welcome.
Don't kiss him [Raoul], Christine. Oh LOOK the Phantom just happens to be in the mirror! 😬
Those "beautiful" things Gustave and Phantom are singing about are also seriously creepy.
So he [Gustave] said those things were beautiful, but don't you think showing your scarred face is going a leetle bit too far???
And then when Raoul's on one side of the room and Phantom's on the other...and she SINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYASAAASsss😱😱😱😃😃😃 but that's not the end...
MEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGG HOW COULD YOU? Oh thankgoodness she gives him---nonononono don't do thaaaaaaattttt!!!!!! Okay the Phantom makes her lower the gun, BUT 😱😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰😰😨😨😨😨😨 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU ALW!!!!!!!!!!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😩😩😩😖😖😖😖 why did you kill Christine?????????? You don't have to kill people to let other people know they love each other!!! But Christine and Phantom's last kiss is so powerful. So intense. Gack. I cried 😪😪😪 because then Gustave hugs his REAL father. YIPEEEEE!!!! But Christine's dead. MEEEEEGGGGGG. Dude. What the heck. So does this mean now you're going to get Phantom? I don't think so. Oh and bye bye Raoul! They didn't make him look so bad. I thought he would be really tipsy but he just drinks a lot and is in debt. Actually...thats really bad.
Gustave is really good. Big thanks to Ramin and Sierra for creating this.
And the message is that LOVE NEVER DIES❤️❤️❤️
THE END. (Not to the book)(to LND)

I do not own Love Never Dies. All of these opinions are © mine and LND belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber ©

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