Room 57: Riedel

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I've been obsessed with Imogen Lloyd Webber this weekend and binge watching the Imus show Hollywood and Vine in the morning. Or whatever that's called. Anyways. So I think Imogen is so adorable and awesome and I love her colour coded notes and British accent and how she gets genuinely angry and how she's like an expert on everything that's going on. So yeah love her. Next topic: Michael Riedel. When he talks, I want to barf. But laughing at the same time. So basically I want to poke fun at Imogen but also want to be her. Because Riedel...just...#shutupriedel. There. The Imus show is slowly making its way up next to periscopes. Yep. My weekend in a nutshell.
And when he sings, I want to barf.

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