Room 23: Lesli Margherita Quotes

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Good, clean quotes from the queen👑. #queenquotes sorry my sister and I made this up😄
*scrolls through Twitter*

~"In other news, I'm singing in a "Best of" concert tonite, but I was a replacement after some1 dropped out, so... #2ndbestof"

~"Don't stop. Keep going. When u move foreword ur hair gets blown in the wind like ur in a music video. U will look better. So keep going. 👑"

~"Learning a song in another language and the woman helping my pronunciation is looking at me like I am speaking another language."

~"Every time I go 2 the Broadway Shoemaker I fear he will lock me in his dungeon & make me dance forevs. Or he just has minimal people skills."

~"I like to think positively, which is why I wrote SOS at the top of some sheet music Im learning."

~"Celebrating World Womens Day by playing 1 of the worst moms in literary history & citing back the lace on my new fake hair. #BeYou"

~"My career may always be unstable, but my desire to own a quokka is unwavering."

~"@Jordan_Roth @broadwaycom @Culturalist can I put myself 10x or is that weird? 😛"

~""@SharkOnTheRight: Did you forget about me, @QueenLesli ?" Yes."

~"Whatever u r going thru, u will get thru it. But if u r going thru like, jello or mud, make sure u have supplies 2 fix ur face/hair after.👑"

~"All I know is that the dress is hideous."

~"Oh no by terrible mistake I seem 2 have bought all 5 extended Twilight films on iTunes. What an awful thing 2 have clicked 5x by accident."

~"Do they make a giant chap stick I can just take the cap off of and slam my entire face into? Chap Head?"

~"Some1 is pretending to read the book the casting director wrote while we are waiting in their office and I can't."

~"Eats 1/2 of cookie, puts other 1/2 away for later. 2 mins later, it is technically later, eats rest of cookie."

~"(Speaks to self in mirror) "Happy Valentines Day my love". 👑"

~"Yes, girl in 3rd on her phone during my entire number, I was absolutely sticking out my tongue out at u as I exited."

~"Stand up 4 yourself. Always. Then other peeps will probs feel awkward u r standing so Ty end up standing & voila!- standing ovations 4 u. 👑"

~"If some1 is trying 2 bring u down it means they t below u. So don't wear pants. When they look up they will b shocked & fall down go boom. 👑"

~"Just know that if I see u come out of the bathroom, and then not wash it hands, u will forever be known to me as "Ol' Peep Hands". Forever."

~"Listening to @JuliaMurney sing right now and thinking I would sing to myself all day if I had that voice. Even like, on the toilet."

~""@SharkOnTheRight: @QueenLesli don't forget about me!" I will."

~"Im just saying that sometimes I'll squeeze my stomach pudge together and make it talk like a puppet."

~"Supposed 2 audition 4 a workshop of a musical about nerds but if I got it I couldn't go 2 the Star Wars convention. #truestory #jedichoices"

~"Eye roll 4 the peeps "nervous" or "relieved" or "75% ing" about Idinas anthem. She's an fing pro. Shut it. We've all cracked. I've heard us.

~"Be yourself. Never wish 2 be someone else. If you were them u would have 2 wear their underwear and use their toothbrush and gross. 👑"

~"(Screams on 9th ave to dog)
"Everybody poops in the snow Stewie. EVERYBODY!!!!" Man on 9th: "I don't." SCENE."

~"There are bars on the windows of the rehearsal room I'm in, and a dead pigeon on the windowsill - dead bird feet up. Dreams come true, kids."

That's it for now. Too many. I ❤️ Lesli.
All credits to Lesli Margherita and Twitter. ©

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