Chapter 14

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Snowmen: 666DeadlyNightshade does not own Naruto.


Ryuu Pov

Everyone was there and waiting on me. "You're late!" Naruto and Sakura screamed as they hit me to the ground. Usually I wouldn't fall but my new weights made me unsteady.

"Oi asshole! Help me up." I called to Naruto. He tried his best to pull me up, but failed, much to everyones astonishment.

"Why do you weigh so much, dattebayo? Are you secretly a fat lady?" He asked. You got half right.

"No you're just weak." I told him standing up on my own albeit with some effort. I began to walk out of the gate, successfully ending that conversation. Once everyone followed me I dropped back. I don't feel like talking to anyone but Nathan right now.

*You're eyes have been changing more than usual.* Nathan told me by way of starting a conversation. 'How can you tell?' I asked him. *I saw reflections and sometimes people looked at you surprised.* 'you're observant.' I told him. *No you are just unobservant.* 'true.'

*I love it when you prove me right.* He told me smugly. 'I hate it.' *But you love me.* 'in you're dreams.' *Kakashi is in yours.* Shutup you perverted ass' I told him defensively. * They're your dreams not mine. BTW did you like his bed?* Nathan said.

'Shutup.' I told him. *You're the one who appeared in his room with a nosebleed.* 'SHUTUP!' with that last word, I blocked him out and pulled out the book I had "borrowed" from Kakashi.

I read it and even though its super perverted it has a great plot. How did I read it so fast? I am a speed reader. "Its better than I expected." I muttered putting it away. I recognized where we were and tensed.

We are about to approach the puddle. I inconspicuously got in front of Naruto to block him as we passed the puddle. *Be ready.* Nathan told me as I pet sown the block. I watched out of the corner of my eye as "Kakashi" was ripped to shreds.

Jumping into action I blocked the ninjas chains but Naruto STILL got cut. I guess the world really did want him hurt. A ninja jumped on me and I knocked him out using the hilt of Pyro.

I sheathed my katana as Kakashi showed up and knocked out the other ninjas that Sasuke fought tying them up. "Sasuke, Ryuu, Sakura. Good job. And Naruto I am sorry I didn't show up sooner. You got hurt becaause of me." Kakashi said to everyone with a closed eyed smile.

"Kakashi, just shutup we need to get the poison out of Naruto, BEFORE he dies." I stated and Naruto began to run around screaming about how he didn't want to die yet because he hadn't become Hokage yet.

"Youkeep running around like that and you really will die." Said Kakashi still smiling. I sweatdropped but brushed it off like nothing happened. *He is weird, remind me why you like him again?* Nathan questioned me. 'Its times like these that I don't even know.' I told him.

I turned away so I wouldn't see Naruto stab himself. When it was over I pulled out my bandages and walked over to wrap his hand up, even if I knew it was healed already. Kakashi watched me warily, thinking I was going to say something.

"I know already." I whispered to him.

"How?" Kakashi whispered back.

"How do you think I knew this village was kind?" I covered and he nodded. We continued on our journey to the Land of the Waves.

After that incident we soon reaches the coast and got on the boat. I ignored everyone else, once again favoring conversation with Nathan. I close my eyes and go into a kind of meditation, I guess.

I entered my own world in my head where Nathan lives. Everything was dark blue with doors to different things scattered about randomly. I appeared there in a sports bra and loose pants which is normalwear for me in my head.

"So you finally decided to talk to me?" Said Nathan appearing in front of me. "Yeah pretty mu h." I responded sitting crosslegged on the floor? Yeah. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked also sitting down.

"Should I help them fight Zabuza or stay on the sidelines?" I asked.

"Help where they need it. Otherwise don't interfere." He told me.

"Alright." I told him before snapping out of my meditative state. I can talk to him whenever but I like seeing him sometimes face to face. The boat had stopped and we all hopped out.

I stayed on guard. Zabuza is going to arrive soon. 'Thhey will survive and learn. I will disappear while they fight.' I told Nathan my plan. *Are you sure?* he asked. 'Yeah.'

Soon Zabuza approached and while everyone was distracted I hid in the trees where I could be hidden but still see the fight. I watched as Kakashi pulled out his Sharingan. "He is so sexy." I accidently said outloud. *Agreed.*

"Which one?" I heard a voice and tensed before I realized it was Haku and he was standing beside me on the tree branch.

"Hello Haku. I was speaking about the one with silver hair." I told the presence beside me.

"How do you know my name?" Haku asked me.

"I know everyone." I informed him using my real voice that's distinctly female and surprising him. I then teleported to Kakashi side, where he was getting ready to kill Zabuza.

"Watch out." I told Kakashi and he jumped. I watched as Haku's needles punctured Zabuza's neck. Soon Haku appeared himself and took Zabuza away.

I stepped up and caught Kakashi as he fell. He was heavy. Naruto a Sakura gasped. "Don't worry. He is just tired because he overused his Sharingan." I informed them.

"Where have you been?!"

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