Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: Hello loves! Its me again! Yes I am updating this again, but I STILL don't own Naruto. Thankies to all the people who have liked my story! I never expected people to actually enjoy it! Also I want to post another story, for Sakura, but it is a yuri story, so if you want it tell me! Peace's!


Ryuu Pov

I went to the training grounds. The area I picked is immaculate, as if it had never been touched. It seemed like a part of the forest and I would have assumed it was if not for the bare wood logs in the center.

'NATHAN GTFO NOW!' I yelled in my head and he appeared beside me. *Why?* He whined in my head, not speaking aloud.

"Because I want to see what you can do." I answered in a nah duh tone of voice.

"I hate you sometimes." Nathan told me and I shook my head. 'Lets spar.' I thought to him, getting in a stance. He grinned evily. Shit I am in trouble now. *Yes you are.* Nathan thought to me, also taking on a fighting stance.

I attacked first with Taijutsu but not with weapons. I tried to kick him in the face, but he grabbed my ankle and tried to slam me to the ground. Before he could I grabbed his knee, taking him down with me.

We continued this way for a while. A tune began running through our heads and we sang along. The song was Wasted, by Cartel.

"We're all wasted, we're wasted. No,no. Were all wasted. We're. Wasted no, no." We sang as we sparred grinning the whole time. Once we finished singing we switched to ninjutsu, this time though I would do a Jutsu and he would try to copy it.

We started doing this, and figured out he had his own chakra. Yeah it took us a while! What did you expect us to be geniuses? Well not all characters have a level 600 IQ! (You're out of character shutup! Nathan: no. Ryuu: Blah!)

Eventually we felt tired and went home. Well I did. Nathan just went in my head and fell asleep. This is good for me because I might try to hang him again if he makes any snappy remarks. I am too tired to joke around.

Also I am starving! I am walking down a street almost to Kakashi's house when I hear a women's scream. I pinpointed the sound and ran down the alleyways I heard it from. When I located the person who screamed I realizex it was a girl around my age with Navy blue hair and violet eyes.

Surrounding her were three large bulky men, who were clearly trying to rape her. "Stop!" I yelled foolishly. How can I beat these guys? I let instinct take over and rush at the men.

I knocked one out and engaged another in a Taijutsu battle. The last one crept up behind me, without my notice until the last moment in which I turned around having knocked out the gig I was fighting.

The last guy had a knife he was aiming for my side. It hit its mark leaving a large gash below my ribs. The girl I was rescuing hid in a corner as I crumpled to the ground beside a trashcan.

The man leered Obed me and lifted the knife, preparing yo stab me. My mind went blank and I felt trapped as I looked into the mans eyes. I felt like I was drowning, like fluid was filling up my lungs. I exhaled coughing, and to my amazement, flames came out.

The man caught fire but it was soon extinguished by me, after he passed out from the pain of the flames. The girl I rescued came out of hiding and rushed over to me as I prepared to teleport away.

I closed my eyes to teleport and heard her ask my name. "Mercy." I answered with my original name as I poofed away. I went to the bathroom in Kakashi's house with no mishaps. Once I locked the door I took off my shirt and looked at my side.

I couldn't see the wound well because of dirt and dried blood encrusting, well, everything. I got into the shower after stripping the rest of my clothes off. As I washed off with Kakashis soap I watched the dirt and blood runoff me in the form if pinkish brownish water.

It swirled down the drain along with soap bubbles as I rinsed off. The soap and hot water stung at the gash in my side.

I finished showering and got out, looking at my self in the mirror. I could see the gash clearly in the mirror and it was streaming blood. I grabbed a black towel and pressed it on my wound as I proceeded to put some new pants on that were in the pile of clothes that I had stowed in the bathroom just in case.

I went into the medicine chest and pulled out sterile bandages. Once my side quit bleeding I pulled the twelve off and looked at it. The gash was clearly deep and would scar which pissed me off. I have enough scars already.

I stared at it and that's when Nathan chose to wake up. *Holy shitnuggets! When did that happen?! It looks so cool! That's going to be a wicked scar!* Nathan yelled in my. he ad. "If you really want to know, go through my memories dammit!" I said to him in nh boy voice.

"*You're boy voice sounds weird coming from a girls body.* Nathan told me. "Fuck you." I told him. I began to wrap up my side then my chest as Nathan went through my memories and replayed them for himself. By the time we both finished my entire torso was completely covered in bandages.

I slipped on a shirt that was also in the bathroom... just in case. *Yeah yeah yeah. Good job on saving someone from rapiers and breathings fire. Good night.* Nathan told me abruptly. "Someones grouchy." I muttered.

*I can hear you.* He said. 'I know.' I thought to him, exiting the bathroom. My side was killing me but my hunger overruled anything else.

I walked to the kitchen and walked up beside Kakashi to see what he was cooking, and perked over his shoulder. He was making curry and rice, one of my favorites. I smiled sniffing at it.

Kakashi made to step back and bumped into me. Instead of being ninjas like, well....... a ninja? "Aargh!" He shrieked.

"Shitmuffins!" I burst out surprised by his man scream.

"Ryuu? Where have you been all day?" Kakashi asked recovering from his fright.

"No! You cant question me with all your manscreamyness! WTH man?! Oh and I was training." I finished my short rant.

"Aaahh... Well hope your hungry!" He said.

"Yes, yes I am." I said as he handed me a plate. *You really get over things fast when foods involved don't you?* Nathan asked having woken up. 'Yes I do.' I thought to him. Nathan mock shook his head. *I am disappointed in you.* he told me.

I began to leave the kitchen after taking my plate. "Wait, Ryuu." Said Kakashi. *Also known as your husband.* Nathan teased. 'Only in my head I thought back to him.

I turned to Kakashi and raised my eyebrow as a sign for him to continue.

"Why do you always leave the kitchen to eat?" He asked. I thought about ky answer for a moment.

"Well...... I guess its so you can eat in peace. So you wont have to worry about someone looking at your face. If I wore a mask I would want to eat alone." I finished and turned to leave the kitchen.


Kakashi Pov

I watched Ryuu leave the kitchen. Stunned by his answer. Was it pure politeness or something else? I feel like there is something more. Something having to do with Ryuu, not like him hiding something like he had Nathan. Just something more.

I am determined ti find out what it is that is pulling me towards him. Whatever that 'more's is.

A New World, A New Me. (A naruto fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant