Chapter 2 Where Am I?

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I your amazing author do not own Naruto. One day though I will have enough money saved up in my piggy bank to buy them all from Misashi Kishimoto.




Mercy Pov

I opened my eyes, blinking to find no difference made. Am I blind? No I can just barely see the outline of my body. So I am surrounded by darkness? Well that's odd. Wait a second, usually by now Nathan would have talked to me. *Nathan where are you* I called out in my mind afraid to speak aloud.

Well I cant locate him. That's impossible, even when I put up a mental block I can still sense him. So what the hell happened? Oh know what I am going to make a list of what I remember.

1. Watching Naruto with Nathan

2. The storm

3. Getting lost while being psycho

4. The pond

5. I slipped and hit my head

6. Nathan trying to help me move

7. Finding myself here

I was drowning, unable to move. Is it possibley possible that I am dead? No no way, because death isn't supposed to look this way. Plus even if I was dead, Nathan would still be here. Right?


I don't know his long I have been here for, all I know is the nothingness of this place. Its so empty, I am beggining to think I really am dead. I kept running through old con ersationns with Nathan in my head. I missed him, so much it hurt. He has always been a part of me.

I could have been here for hours days years or seconds. Time had no more meaning. Then I felt it. It was creeping up on me so slowly that it took a while for me to notice. Ecpecially since I was so sucked up in my own thoughts.

I was sinking into the floor I was sitting on. I embraced the feeling grateful for change. I can ti ally escape this eternal boredom driving me mad. Scratch that I was already mad.

Maybe now I can see Nathan again. Whoa I feel heavy. Almost as if I was being forced into the floor now. I layer back letting the feeling take hold and push me down, down, down.

Quickly I felt it begin to cover my face, I was scared now. Even slightly claustrophobic. I really don't like the feeling of being covered in floor. I felt my but get cold, why I don't know.

Then I was falling. I shut my eyes and waited to hit the ground. I then changed my mind opening them to at least see where I was before I died again.

Opening my eyes I saw blue, sky blue in fact. Actually I think that is the sky. So that me- *Thump* Ow. Well I guess that means I was right, it IS the sky. I rolled over grass? So I am not dead? Cool. I might as well stop obsessing its getting me nowhere.

Looking around I saw I was in a slightly open area with a road spreading out in front of me. I looked behind me to see a huge gate. Above the gate it said Konohagakure. Oh so that's where I am.

I am in the Nar- OH MY GOD I AM IN NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!! * No duh.... wait your right! Oh my HOLY SHITTAKE MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!! Ooooohhhhhhh what do you look Like animated now? *

"oh the same. Still crossdressing. My big a** boobs a

re still strapped down just more unrealistic ... wait Nathan? Your back! Thank jashin I thought I lost you!" I told Nathan. * Same here. Now lets go see the Hokage* "kay "

"SO YOUTHFUL!!!!! Little boy what are you doing here? Where are you from?" I know that voice. Might Guy of konoha. * Run.* 'agreed' and with that I bolted into the gates...

Only to get grabbed by... not Guy. Phew that was close. * but you were still grabbed.* :P I had been grabbed by Izumo and Kotetsu. "What are you doing? Who are you and why are you trying to get into the Hidden Leaf Village?" Kotetsu asked me.

Of course I responded using my "boy" voice which is lower than my normal one. "Well um... you see... He scares me." I said jerking my thumb back at the green monstrosity that is known as Guy.

"Oh... That's normal. Why are you here?" Izumo said

* Quick think of a good lie* Nathan told me. 'What should I say?' *How about you bated your village and left?* 'Okay'

"Well my village bated me and I am an orphan so I came here to start a new life. Could you show me to the Hokages office?"I told Izumo and Kotetsu.

The two shinobi were in tears at my story. *They seriously bought that load of bullcrap?* 'I guess so' "Of course Guy will show you to the Hokages office" Kotetsu said.

My eyes widened " That's not necessary. " I hurriedly said but before I could finish I was thrown over Guys shoulder as he bolted away. I did my best to keep my face emotionless, but that hard to do when your staring at Guys misshapen a**.

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