Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: So hum uh..... I totally own Naruto. If a plushie counts?

Kakashi: Its a plushie of me. It doesn't count.

Me: Fuck you.

Nathan: You already did, inside your head.

Ryuu: Don't feel alone, I did the same, 666DeadlyNightshade.

Me: Whatever. Since aplushie does NOT count I guess I don't own Naruto. *sigh*

Ryuu: Kakashi is miiinnneeee. *Creepy smiles.*



Kakashi Pov

Ryuu disappeared using the teleportation Jutsu. Where did he even learn that Jutsu? I remember when he poofed into ky room with a nosebleed. I can guess what happened a.. similar thing probably happened to me.

I ended up in the women's bath house. That was troublesome to explain. (Heh Shikamaru moment.) Nosebleeds... the devils incarnate of perverted thoughts. *giggles*.

I thought about tracing Ryuus Jutsu, but decided against it. Instead I took off my apron and cleaned up the mess those two had made. Why did Ryuu thank me for making him laugh? And why did he look so... so, cute! He needs to smile more, maybe then he wouldn't seem so insane.

And I totally think he looked cute in a completely familial way! Once I cleaned up the mess I summoned Pakkun. He appeared in front of me. "Yo." Pakkun said.

"What's my mission this time? And whats that smell? It smells girly, did you finally get a girlfriend?" He questioned me.

"Girly? Ah no, no girlfriend. I need you to find someone for me. His scent should be all over the guest room." I told Pakkun and he began to walk there.

"Got it." He said and began leading the way to my room. My room? Why would it be in there? I opened my door and Pakkun walked in and sat down beside the bed.

"He is under here. You better let me meet him soon." He said before poofing off. I peeked under my bed and sure enough there he was. Gently I grabbed his leg and pulled him out. Ryuu didn't react and just let me pull him out.

I looked at his face and his eyes were closed. He had an undisturbed look on his face. Not blank like normal. How did he fall asleep so quickly? And why in the world did he choose underneath my bed?

I picked him up bridal style, not wanting to disturb his rest. God knows he doesn't sleep enough sometimes, and he thinks I don't notice. Ryuu smiled and curled into my chest. Why is he so cute? 16 year old boys shouldn't be cute!

Anyway I brought him to his room and set him on his bed. As I watched Ryuu curled into a ball and began to snore as I covered him up. My heart started pounding and I tried to resist the urge kiss him on the forehead.

Key word: tried. And failed. I quickly pressed my bare lips against his forehead, before quickly heading to my room and shutting ky door behind me. As I tried to calm my pounding heart I had a thought.

'Ryuu Kawazoe, there is something odd about you.' I mused before heading to bed with his face still on my mind.



Ryuu Pov

I stretched and yawned. Nathan finally passed out in my head, so I decided to wake up. I was in my bed, which I distinctly remember not going to sleep in. Either. I sleepwalker or Kakashi found me. Probably the latter.

I heard a knock at my door and Kakashi entered. "Ohayo!" He said.

"Ohayo." I answered sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Get ready to meet the team." He ordered before leaving. I decided to check out the wound on my side and see how its healing. I got up and locked my door, then took off my shirt.

I stripped off the bandages on my side and looked at it. The gash had scabbed over, but it was red and inflamed. It hurt too when I wrapped it up. I left it alone, thinking it would heal on its own.

After taking care of my wound I changed my clothes and grabbed my katana. I left my room and Kakashi was gone. I will visit him later, I should have just enough time to go talk to the Hokage about the Chuunin Exams.


I walked into the Hokages office, to be confronted by a million Jonin eyes staring. I have to admit, I blanched. "Ryuu-kun? Why are you here?" The Hokage asked. I felt the blood drain from my face.

I don't know if I want to ask the Hokage this question anymore. These people might take it as a threat. " I need to ask you a question." I said stronger than I felt. The third waved his hand as if to say go ahead. I nodded and swallowed licking my lips.

"If, someone were to, uhm, attack the village and you could know ahead of time that it would kill you, would you still sacrifice your life?" I asked him. Kami I hope I am not giving too much away.

"Yes." He answered with no hesitation. I felt a few people glaring at me but I refused to turn and acknowledge me. I nodded.

"One more thing, the Chuunin Exams. My team is a four man team excluding Kakashi. I wish to take the exams by myself, but be able to help my team in case of emergency." I stated.

"Ryuu! How did you know I was going to enter you- nevermind. You wouldn't tell me." Kakashi started before shaking his head and smiling. I grinned and winked at him.

"Well. If Nathan participates with you, its fine." The Hokage said. I nodded.

"Nathan does have some training doesn't he?" He added as an afterthought. I nodded again. Man I nod a lot.

"Someone call me?" Nathan rang out appearing beside me. I heard a collective gasp around the room. Nathan threw hshouldeover my shoulder.

"Do I have to?" He pouted and I threw my leg out tripping him and makeing him fall flat on his face. I took a step away whistling suspiciously. The Hokage chuckled and Kakashi facepalmed.

"You're dismissed Ryuu, and take Nathan with you." The Third told me. I grinned and grabbed Nathan's collar, before teleporting away.

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