Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: Pretend this says what I usually say. You know the routine.


Ryuu Pov

"RYUU WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" Someone yelled. I threw my kunai in that general direction and opened my eyes. I sat up and looked around. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were looking at me carefully and slightly shying away.

I also saw Kakashi looking horror stricken at his book. *So that's where the kunai went* Nathan said. "Oops." I said, and pulled out my copy of Icha Icha Paradise, tossing it to him. "Here you can borrow mine until I buy you another one." I told Kakashi as he looked surprised.

"Okay, time for introductions." He said pretending like nothing happened.

"What should we say Sensei?" Sakura asked, always the suckup.

"Your likes dislikes hobbies dreams. Yeah." Kakashi said.

"Why don't you start for us Sensei?" Naruto said.

"I am Hatake Kakashi. I wont tell you my likes, as for my dislikes, I have many hobbies. My dream well I haven't really thought about it. Now the one in orange." Kakashi said

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like the ramen that Iruka buys me. I dislike the three minutes I have to wait for instant ramen. My dream is to become Hokage and be recognized for the great ninjas I am!" Naruto shouted triumphantly.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. My likes are * giggles* my hobbies are *giggles* And my dream is to *Squeals* " Sakura said.

"And your dislikes?" Said Kakashi.

"NARUTO!" She screamed.

Sasuke went on his depressing rant that I am not bothering to repeat.

'Hey should I tell them I am bisexual?' I asked Nathan. *They're going to find out sooner or later* Nathan told me. 'Right.'I responded.

"My name is Kawazoe Ryuu. I like training, especially with my katana. I also like Icha Icha Paradise and music. I dislike fangirls, stalkers, people obsessed with revenge and evil psycho's. I don't mind other psycho's though. My hobbies, are weird and plentiful. My dream is to save as many people as I can and defeat someone. Also since you will find out sooner or later I am bisexual." I said.

On the last sentence everyone looked at me. 'Maybe is shouldn't ah e told them.' I fretted to Nathan. *Its for the best Mercy. Don't worry.* Nathan assured me.

"What's bisexual?" Naruto asked and I burst out laughing, knowing he is completely serious. While I was laughing Kakashi explained it to Naruto, as Sasuke listened in.

"So, you like both sexes?" Sakura asked and I nodded, smiling faintly, terrified that they would hate me.

"Do you like anyone?" She then asked, I did not expect that.

"No. So far everyone is a bit too young for me." I told them knowing they were listening closely.

"How old are you?" Sasuke asked. * I didn't expect him to speak up.* Nathan said. 'Me neither'

"I am 16 (I am changing it) " I said. Everyone said oh except kakashi.

"Now that we are done playing 20 questions can we please listen to Kakashi-sensei?" I asked.

"Right now blah blah 5am blah no breakfast blah." Kakashi started to explain tomorrow. *This is weird.* Nathan said. 'Yeah' I said. *You know I always thought that as soon as you saw Kakashi you would rape him.* 'So did I' I said guiltily.

I broke out of my thoughts to Kakashi poking me. "Huh?" I asked stupidly, inwardly face palming.

"You have been spaced out for 10 min. since everyone else left." He told me.

"Oh sorry." I said looking up at him. He got a surprised look on his face.

"Your eyes?" He said questioningly. Oh not again.

"Come with me and I will explain, but first we need to get Sasuke." I said grabbing his arm while standing.

"Why?" Kakashi asked.

"He saw them too. What color are they now?" I said

"Pink." He answered easily. 'Ew' I said to Nathan. * Same* Nathan agreed. Soon I found Sasuke and dragged them to a private place at the training feilds.

"Okay, before you say anything my eyes change color, always have. I don't know why. I usually wear brown contacts but I forgot to put them in. Kay? Bye." I said then left for home.

I got home and collapsed into bed not caring that I hadn't eaten all day. I just wanted to sleep. * Goodnight* 'Night'

Warning: If you do not like sexual situations you can skip to the next chapter. So enjoy!


I was on the roof and Kakashi was beside me. "So your a girl?" He said and I nodded wondering where this was going.

"Good, so I can finally do this." He said, and smashed his lips upon my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wholeheartedly kissing back. His hands began to trail down my body. I slipped a hand from his neck and took off his shirt rubbing his chest.

I hungrily kissed him again, and my hand was rubbing Cir les on his torso with the other gripping his hair. Kakashi grabbed my butt causing me to gasp and he used that as an opening to slip his tongue into my mouth.

We fought for dominance in a mini tongue war. He won and explored my mouth. I sucked on his tongue and he moaned. He slipped my shirt off momentarily breaking our kiss. He ripped the bandages off and stared at my exposed chest.

I blushed deeply as he pushed me down onto my back forcefully and began to.massage my breasted while sucking on another. I felt desire swirl through my as I moaned in ecstasy.

He pulled my pants off and I massaged the rather large bulge in his pants causing him to growl out a deep moan. He slipped hi mouth to my neck and easily found my soft spo. "Ka- ka- kashi." I moaned out.

He growled and ripped off my underwear rubbing me. I jerked off his.pants and boxers, before rubbing him. I began to grind against him, us both moaning uncontrollably. He stopped kissing me for a moment and positioned himself at my entrance.

Kakashi asked if I was ready and began to slide inside of me when... I woke up.

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