Chapter 10

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Me:Yeah, yeah yeah. Somebody else do this, I am l-a-z-y lazy.

Sasuke: No.

Me: I don't like you either. * Proceeds to strangle him*

Guy: Deadly Nightshade does not own Naruto. But please save us characters, we have been kidnapped.

Jiraiya: I think she raped Kakashi!

Kakashi: *from afar* Someone..... help.... * screams*

Ryuu Pov

"Fucking stupid ass fucking fucktard. You dickless count. Why did you wake me up?" I whined to Kakashi. The silver haired Jonin blinked at me, probate ky amused by my language.

"Do you always swear like that?" He asked on the verge of a chuckle.

"No. I am swearing at the rainbow unicorns in my pants. Now leave I want to go to sleep. I was having a good dream" I said straightfaced with a sarcastic tone.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked chuckling at my previous reply. I blushed and shoved my self into the blankets, pulling them over my head. Kakashi jerked them off and gave me a look, that said 'tell me now'.

"Uh.... ummm... Your mom. Now GTFO!" I sad cleverly, yelling at the end. He ran out, frightened I hope. * Yes. Fear the wrath of a PMSing female teenage that's thorny.* Nathan said. 'He doesn't even know I am female.' I told Nathan. Its. Ot like I gave him a chance, I had started wrapping my chest while I slept too.

*in you dreams he does.* Nathan said. 'Fuck you.' Itoldbim. * That's Kakashis job.* he said. 'What, cant come up with any new material?' I mocked. * Most of its too perverted to use* at that I would have anime fell had I not been laying down.

I got up and began to dress, rewrapping my chest. We kept speaking about pervertedness. Kakashi left early today and I almost. Hissed knowing he was downstairs.

*More like you miss his-* I cut Nathan off. Who knew what perverted thing he would say next. I grabbed my katana and strapped them to my waist, before eating an apple very slowly for breakfast.

I began to leave for the meeting spot, knowing I would be early. I left without my contacts in though on purpose. * You have only just met them, yet you are exposing a lot of your secrets.* Nathan mused

"I am just tired of hiding." I said, getting close to the meeting spot.

"Tired of hiding what?" Sasuke asked, coming up beside me.

"Myself. I have too many secrets." I said, leaving him speechless. I walked faster to get to the meeting point. Once I got there I sat under a tree and de tided to go to sleep. I sleep a lot. * You don't sleep a lot, just erratically.* Nathan said ss I faded into unconsciousness.


"THE UNICORNS AND FAIRIES ARE STALKING ME!!!!!!!!" I yelled out, awoken abruptley from my slumber. (Also the ninjas turtles want to kill me because I was explosion happyin their base. Tehe)

"Ryuu.... Why do you cuss when I wake you but not when Naruto does?" Asked Kakashi.

"So he's the one who woke me?!" I growled, pretending to be mad. Naruto gulped a d began to tremble with fear.

"Thank you. I don't really like the unicorns very much" I said, my tone changing instantly. *You've gone over the bend* Nathan said incredulously. 'Please. I was over the bend years ago. I'm over the rainbow now.' I told him smirking.

They all stared at my bipolarness. My facade is slipping badly. Now its so much harder to keep up. But why?! *Probably because you have more friends now. As well as less secretest

"True," I murmured as Kakashi explained the survival test. Kakashi said start and I jumped away, immediately seeking out Sasuke. *They are all going to say no.* 'I know but Kakashi is watching us so its at least worth the effort.

*Good idea* he said. I found Sasuke hiding in some bushes. *Duckbutt sucks at hiding* 'I agree' "Oi! Sasuke lets teamup, we can't-" I started to say. I didn't even get to finish as he jumped up and stalked away.

"Well that was rude. Right Nathan?" I said aloud.* Right* I didn't bother to ask anyone else. I knew them well enough to know their answers. Sakura will chase after Sasuke, and Naruto will try to prove himself.

As if by magic I heard Naruto scream in pain. *Ahhh, the famous ass poke* I giggled and made a plan.

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