Chapter 4 Academy

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I do NOT own Naruto. It saddens me so. I REALLY want to rape Kakashi.


Mercy POV

"So... I guess I will be taking care of you?" Kakashi asked as we walked out of the Hokage building.

"Apparently so. The Hokage also said that I can be a ninjas so will you take me to the academy? I don't know where it is." I said kinda coldly.

"Sure" He said back, then took me there in silence.

"I trust you can find your way alone from here?" Kakashi stated as we reached the academy.

"Yeah." I said.

" I will see you later then." He said walking off.

*Well that was interesting* Nathan said. "No kidding" I said aloud like I normally would. *Well lets get signed up* He said in my head cheerily. 'Alright' I responded in my head and walked into the academy.

I made my way to the front desk. "I would like to sign up for the academy, if you please." I stated courteously to the lady at the front desk.

"What is your name?" She awked

"Ryuu Kawazoe." I stated.

"Alright, bring these to you new sensei. He will be in room __." She said handing me papers.

"Thank you" I said and left to find the classroom.

*You should find out what episode we are on.* Nathan said 'Already have, look out the window.' I said in my head nodding to the graffitied Hokage faces. *Aaaahhhh* He responded slowly then shutup.

I walked into the classroom, once I found it, to see Iruka looking at me. "Ryuu, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Kakashi?" He asked.

"Here" I stated shoving the papers at him, keeping a blank face on. This entire time I have been using my "boy" voice.

He began to look over the papers. As he did this I took my time to look over the classroom. The entire class looked at me in interest, even Sasuke seemed curious. I also saw Naruto tied up onthe floor. *Show some emotion for once* Nathan said to me, wanting me to not be emotionless, like I would prefer. 'No. I can't do that.' My tone was final and he didn't respond.

"Oh. I see. Well then, class this is our new student. Could you please introduce yourself?" Iruka asked me and I nodded.

"My name is Ryuu Kawazoe. I am 15 yrs old. That's all you need to know." I said speaking up.

"Alright. Ryuu why don't you go sit down next to Kiba? Kiba raise your hand." Iruka said sensing I didn't want to answer questions. Kiba raised his hand and I strolled over and sat down, smiling slightly at Akamaru who crawled into my lap. Kiba gently took him back and faced towards me.

"Ryuu right? Where are you from?" He asked.

"My village was so small and new it didn't have a name yet." I told him, lying easily.

"Alright," He was about to say something else but Iruka chose then to interrupt.

"Ok, since Naruto got in trouble we will be reviewing transformation jutsu. Line up!" He said. 'What are the hand signs?' I questioned Nathan. He quickly flashed me the images of the signs and I memorized them. Its good I have him, he has a photographic memory.

I remeberee the theory on Chakra but had never tried it since it never existed in my world. After a time Iruka called my name and I was the last person to go. He told me I didn't haven to do it but I did anyway.

I went and made the handsigns, trying to locate and channel my Chakra. I was really tempted to do the Sexy Jutsu, but instead I just turned into Naruto. Iruka was surprised by my success and congradulated me.

*You did it. Wow, unexpected.* Nathan told me. 'No kidding' After the reveiw I just ignored the rest of class, and chatted with Nathan. At least until he said *Your mom.* In response to one of my comments and I burst out laughing.

No one heard me though, or they would give me strange looks, and there was no one around. Class was over. I walked out quickly, hoping no one would attempt to speak to me.

Once I got out of the building I saw Kakashiwaiting for me. *He wasn't late!?* Nathan said echoing my thoughts. I was confused but pretended like nothing was the matter. "Are you ready?" Kakashi asked me.

"Ready for what?" I questioned warily.

"To go home of course." He said confusedly.

"Yeah." I responded distracted. *That's right. You'll be living with him.* 'EEEEEEPPPPP!' I went in my head. *You seriously just had a fangasm. OHMYGOD AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!* Nathan said laughing at me. 'Just shutup.' I grumbled back.

*Too bad your a girl disguised as a boy or else you could have a lot more fun with him.* 'Just shutup you dirty pervert' *You were the one thinking about it.* True.

"Oh, don't you need clothes?" Kakashi asked interrupting the conversation going on in my head.

"Yeah, but it can wait till tomorrow. Its getting late." And indeed it was. We had been walking for longer than I had realised.

"We're here." He said. We stopped in front of an average sized house. Blue with white paneling. It was inviting and I immediately liked it. Once Kakashi unlocked the door he went in and I walked in after him, closing the door behind me.

It seemed a simple enough home and a slight bachelor pad, but it fit his personality. I could imagine staying here for a while. He showed me to my new room and I collapsed on the bed falling asleep immediately.


Kakashi POV

Its gonna take some getting used to. I have never had to take care of a kid before, even a mature one like he seems to be. I went in his room with some of my old clothes for him to use as panamas, but he was already asleep.

I pulled the covers over himso he wouldn't get cold, freezing when he moved. He soon settled down and I left, whispering goodnight.


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