Chapter 19

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Ryuu Pov

Nathan kicked me to get my attention. "They're talking to you." He said. 'I know.' I thought to him. *Baka's.* I sat up and looked at Kakashi.

"Who the hell is he?!" Naruto yelled as Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Do you really want to know?" I inquired.

"Yes!" They all thundered.

"Do you really really want to know?" I said as Nathan chuckled.l, knowing what I was doing. They all screamed again, louder.

"Do you really really really really want to know?" They stayed silent, all except for Nathan.

"I am pretty sure they want to know." He said aloud. 'In bed.' I thought to him. We looked over at eachother, before looking at everyones else, then looking back. Laughing simultaneosly we glanced at our team to see them in disarray.

Kakashi was facepalming. Sasuke was staring, not glaring, staring. Sakura was confused, an Naruto.... Naruto was banging his head on the ground. "Fail." Nathan and I chorused, looking at Naruto.

Wait, Nathan........ other people can see him. He protected me. Wtf!? *It took you

waaaay too long to notice. You're slow.*"Nathan! HOLYSHIT!!! How?! What?! Why?!" I said eyes wide, clomping him.

I tackled him to the ground before rememebering there were people around and getting off. I helped Nathan up. "Okay, okay. Before we continue to freak you guys out, this is Nathan." I introduced.

"How do you know him?" Kakashi probed. Probed, that sounds wrong. Instead he prodded, that sounds worse. Crap, I am a perverted.

"Simple, he hes hum..............."I trailed off. Kakashi raised his eyebrow as if to say continue.

"What she is trying to say is, um. Basically I am a voice inside her head, till now." Nathan informed them backing me up. Once again everyone had different reactions. Sasuke a 'wtf?!' expression, Sakura sweatdropping. Kakashi didn't change all. Naruto just started creeping further away.

*Uh, should we be worried?* Nathan asked me. 'Yes, they're never silent.' I informed him. *Walk away slowly agreed?* He thought to me. 'Agreed.' I thought in return. We glanced at eachother before nodding and slowly backing away.

They all watched us carefully, doubting us or waiting until we bolted. I began to run, only to take a single step and faceplant. I realized how exhausted I was after that from the fight. I was completely uncomfortable, but drifted into unconsciousness anyway.


Nathan POV

I am outside of Mercy's head. WTH?! Now I am left with a confused team and Mercy is on the ground in a very weird position. Her ass is in the air and her cheek is on the ground. As I watched she began to snore.

I am SO blackmailing her rightnow. I whip out my camera and take some pictures. I'm so evil. *Maniacal laugh* I began to cough. Evil laughs are evil. I wonder what Mercy is even dreaming about?

Must enter Mercy's head. I looted from the ouuyside world into her head. This has to be the 17th time she has dreamy something like this. I set a recorder to record this perverted dream. I don't even know where it came from.

Horny teenagers, what can you do with them? I came back out of her head. Now that I have this ability I am totally making use of it. Its surprisingly sassy to do, I just have to think about it. Thank you ninjas world.

I reappeared with a poor and a nosebleed. "Uh um, Nathan-kun, why do you have a nosebleed?" Sakura asked. I chuckled.

"Horny teenagers, that's why." I told her and she blushed. Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Shouldn't you guys bring Mer-Ryuu home?" I asked.

"Why cant you do it?" Sasuke muttered.

"Because I am going to blackmail Ryuu." I told him matter of factly. I looted back into Mercy's head, but before I did so I heard him grunt, "hn ".

Now its spying time.

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