Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: So... I don't own Naruto.

Guy: Yeah! Because if she did, I would be aturtle!

Lee: And I would be a turtle cosplayer!

Kakashi: And I would be magically transformed into the same age as her, not.

Me: I would still rape you though! :)



Ryuu Pov

Nathan and I sat at the same gate as our team. We have an earth scroll and are more than prepared for the forest of death, you know, we hope. I am thinking we will have an easy go of it, considering we don't plan on confronting Orochimaru.

"And why not?!" Nathan said argumentatively.

"I don't think its a good idea! I mean he is a pedo!" I answered getting angry.

"So? You're smart! And remember no one died!" He argued.

"But he doesn't know us! We could just get killed like the others!" I retorted.

"So you don't care if he gets a 'hickey of doom'?"

"It will make him more powerful! I will tell him the truth or persuade 'you know who' to do it. I will even kill that conniving backstabber." Nathan shut up and glared at me angrily. Nathan knew I meant Danzo, but we were being careful with our words as not to alert Naruto Sasuke and Sakura of their futures.

Nathanael eyes lit up. "Lets leave it to fate then?" He bet andvheld out his hand. I drugged and we shook on it just as the gates opened. I grinned and darted into the forest. To be honest I was itching for a battle.

I jumped up in agree and stopped with Nathan dropping in beside me. I looked at him, 'I haves plan.' I thought to him. I didn't want to speak aloud in case anybody was nearby. People will be targeting me because they know I am a one man team.

However they don't know about Nathan yet. Nathan gave me a look that said go ahead. 'You need to go back in my head. I will be targeted because I am alone. When a team attacks me if you think I cant handle it you come out and we fight get the scroll and teleport to the tower.' I explained.

I nodded and he disappeared. 'You're putting up surprisingly little arguement.' I mused. *I hate to admit it, but its a good plan.* Nathan told me reluctantly. I cackled evilly at his admittance.

*That's why I didn't want to tell you. * he informed me. I sweatdropped and brought myself back to reality. I decided I needed to make myself as obvious and stupid seeming as I could, to lure people into attacking me.

To do this... I shall make a fire! And cook food that I have hunted to attract them by

smell. Its perfect! *And dangerous. What if animals are lured by the smell and attack you?* Nathan quizzed.

'I get the hell out of there and try again.' I informed him smugly. Nathan agreed even though its obvious he thinks I am nuts........but everyone does. Even me. So its not a surprise. I jumped to the ground and began to gather kindle ti make a fire.

I was quick at making a fire, a master after the Zabuza mission. Once I made the fire it was easy to hunt down a boar. It was the first think I found as well as I wanted to make bacon out of it.

As I gutted it I had a crazy smile on my face from the mouthwatering image of bacon. I used my kunai to hack the meat off and cut it into strips. I kept the tusks of the boar to make into something later.


My plan worked like magic and as I had meat hanging the fire a team was drawn in like flies to honey.


I easily defeated the 3 man team from the Stone Village. Nathan didn't even need to help me and I only received very minor injuries. I only knocked them out and even put the under a trees roots so they wouldn't be spotted.

"You are to kind to people who just tried to kill you." Nathan said popping out. He was correct. The guys from the stone village were trying to kill me. I sighed before taking the heaven scroll out of the leaders pants.

Before we fought he showed me what scroll he had before snidely shoving it down his pants. As I took the scroll out I took a moment to laugh at his tiny thing and left it out for all to see. I am kinda mad they tried to kill me.

Nathan roared with laughter at my actions. As he laughed I put out the fire before sighing. I dint want to touch my meat after putting my hands down someones pants. "Fuck. Nathan get my bacon and DO. NOT. EAT. IT." I told Nathan giving him a glare that quickly halted his laughter.

Once he got a good grip on my bacon I grabbed his collar and teleported to the tower. I let go of Nathan and he handed me my bacon before sitting down cross legged on the ground. I sat down beside him, taking out the scrolls and opening them, throwing them kn the ground.

Kakashi appeared with a poof. "Done already?" He asked and I nodded munching on my bacon. Nathan looked on jealously. Kakashi raised his eyebrow.

"You were only in there for 2 hours. How did you get the scrolls and why do you have bacon?" He asked confused. I swallowed my meat and began to speak.

"I set a trap by making a fire and cooking bacon from a boar I hunted and killed. A team found me and thought they could take down the easy prey. I defeated them and embarrassed one before teleporting here." I finished smirking and finally handing Nathan some bacon who grabbed it eagerly.

"Want some?" I offered to Kakashi who shook his head.

"Come on, I wont look. Just look at it, how perfect it is. It taste amazing. Its salty and crunchy, but chewy and yummy. Even better than pig bacon." I rambled before looking at kakashi licking my lips to keep from drooling at my bacon.

He looked kind of...... constipated? And he was staring at me instead of my bacon. "Kakashi?" I asked worriedly. Nathan looked at him and chuckled.

"I know something you don't." Nathan sang aloud smirking. Kakashi snapped his head over to look at Nathan.

"I- I have to g-go." Kakashi told me stumbling quietly over his words, before fumbling to make the handsign for teleporting and proofing away.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked aloud before shrugging my shoulders and continuing to eat my bacon.

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