Chapter 15: Secrets

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I didn’t want to stop kissing him. Each time we touch, a bolt of electricity shots through my body. When we kiss there is a sizzling sensation I can't explain. He brings life to my body.

"Oh my goodness!" We quickly pulled away. I turned to find to find Rachel with her hands over Cassy's mouth. "I told you not to say anything Cass," said Rachel.

My eyes widened, I turn to look at Hunter and his eyes looked like if you hit him in the back of his head, they would fall out. I couldn't control myself any longer and just busted out laughing. The girls joined me.

"What in the she devil are y'all laughing at?" Asked a confused Hunter. I tried to stop laughing but it didn't work out to well. I just pointed at him. He gave shot me a death glare. I quickly stopped laughing and took off to our room.

"That is no fair Anns!" Wait, who is Anns? I came out of the room. "Who is Anns," I asked. This time I am confused. Hunter sighed and began to sit on the bar.

"You may not believe me when I tell you this but it is completely true. When I was in that coma, I was having flashbacks. Many of them of you. I used to call you Anns because I could fully say Annaleigh. I never remembered that until I was in the coma. If you don't want me to call you that anymore, I understand. It is your choice to make."

I was speechless. Was that even possible? But I did know one thing. He never once stopped thinking about me and with that, I don't care what he calls me. "Call me whatever you want to but under one condition."

"Yes! Anything. What is it?"

"You have to tell me about everything! Yes I know there are some things that you don't want to talk about. I understand. You do have to tell me those. I just want you to tell me about all the memories you have about me. I want to know what made you come back to me, even after you knew I didn't know you." I finished with a smile.

"Yes, absolutely! But you have to promise you won't tell anyone about what I say. Some things are really hard for me to tell you and with that I don't want anyone else to know." He replied. I nodded.

We both turned to look at the girls. "Care to explain why y'all were watching and how long?" Hunter asked. The girls looked at each other then to us. "Nope," and with that they were gone.

"Remind me to put bells on them when we get home," Hunter said to me.


“What time is the flight again?” I asked.

“Noon, why?” He asked

“Because it is 10!” I said running to our room.

“Oh crap! Girls get your bags into the living room.” He said coming out of the kitchen from cleaning up.

“I got the bags. Girls you ready?” I asked. They nodded their heads and we began walking to the cab. I put the bags in the back and jumped in.

*** 6 Hours***

We were just now getting our bags. We decided on the plane to crash at my house for a few days. Until we finished up Hunter’s house. His mom had to stay a few more days in Rome but should be back soon.

Once we got our bags we started walking over to where mom said she would be. She wasn’t there but Nirvana was. “Hey sis, where’s Mom?” I asked while she gave me a hug.

“She had to go to the bathroom. She made me come for a surprise. Your truck is out front and the girls are going with us. You and Hunter need to go have ‘alone time’ as Mom put it. I agree with her. You have been helping Hunter and watching the girls too. You need to have alone time together.” She looked over my shoulder to Hunter, “That doesn’t mean what you are thinking.” I turned around just in time. Hunter looked like a deer in headlights. He quickly shook his head. “No Ma'am. I don’t plan on doing any of that. I told you want I had planned and I plan to keep it like that.” Now is was my turn to be shocked.

“When did you talk to my sister?” I asked Hunter. He just shrugged like it was no big deal.

“Here give me y’alls bags. I will watch the girls. Y’all go ahead and go. I don’t want y’all to be late.” Nirvana grabbed the bags from my hands as I stood there shocked. Be late to what? My mind was going crazy.

Nirvana went over to Hunter and whispered something in his ear. He nodded in response, then kissed both the girls. They said their ‘I love yous’ and then Hunter came and entwined my hand with his. I was still lose in my thought to care.

The Year That Changed My Life ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang