Chapter 22: "I'm Home"

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It's been a few days since Abigail found out that she is pregnant. I am the only one that knows still. She doesn't want anyone to get worried on this trip or leave for that matter.

Nicole is coming today. Her and I have plans to hang out all day. I am letting her choose where we go and what we do.

Right now it is 5:30am and I am up cleaning. Don't ask. I have been doing this since we have arrived.

Around 6 Nicole walked in. "I'm home!" I ran to the door. "Nicole! Are you ready for today cause I kinda am, kinda not." We had a quick hug and she took her stuff up to her room.

We left the cabin and headed to Starbucks. "So how was it spending time with your family?" I asked. "Oh don't even get me started. It's the same every year. I wish they would have just let me come with y'all when y'all came up here." We ordered our drinks, mocha caramel lattes and sat near the front of the store. "Well isn't your dad going back to the military or something." She nodded her head as she took a sip of her drink. "He left last night." She replied.

We finished our Starbucks and talked about the military. After that we went to the mall.

"Okay so let's go to Forever 21 first. I want to get some more winter clothes." Said Nicole. "Okay, well I probably won't get much of anything. Maybe a few little things here and there but I'm not gonna spend too much." I replied. "Okay, that's fine with me. As long as I get to spend time with my best friend," she wraps her arms around my neck. "I am happy."


We have been in five stores and Nicole's arms are loaded with bags. I on the other hand only have a few bags to haul around. We decided to stop at Subway and get some lunch before we went off to anymore stores.

"This is really nice. I wish we could do this more often." We got up from our seat to go to the other stores. "You're right Nicole. We should. Maybe not the shopping but just hanging out." She agreed as we walked into JC Penney's. We spent most of the day there, but around five we decided to leave. We went to some local shops and got some accessories. Nicole decided she was done for the day, so we put everything in the car and walked around the block.

We talked about how school was going and if we would be able to graduate early. "They have given me a little longer to get my GPA up but if I don't then I can't." We began walking to the car. "Well at least we have a chance. I still don't know if I can or not. They haven't informed me about anything." I buckled my seatbelt. "You know how they can be. I didn't from them that one year till a week before. A week!" She started the car. "I know Annaleigh, but I'm not like you. I can't sit around and wait like 13 years for my boyfriend to come back." My eyes grew wide. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "We will talk about it later. I don't want to talk about boys when it's a girls day." I just nodded in response. Turning up the radio, we jammed. We didn't end up going start home, we went to get ice cream! My favorite! We also sat in there and talked her a while too. It's nice to be able to sit with my friend. We don't get to do this that often but we should be able to.

After eating our ice cream and talking it was after nine o'clock. "I think it about time head back home. I am getting pretty tired." We got up throwing our trash away. "Yeah, I think so too." We got home not long after. I helped Nicole put all her things away, plus all her new things. "Well girly, I am going to go put all this in my room and crawl into bed. I will see you in the morning." I got up off her bed. "Okay, I will see ya then. Love ya." I gave her a quick hug. "Love ya too." I walked out with all my bags and made my way to my room.

I entered the room and laid the bags down. I changed into some running shorts and a tank top. Afterwards, I jumped in bed. Today was wonderful. I got to spend the day with one of my best friends. I will get to spend at least another week with them. Maybe more. I just hope all goes well.

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