Chapter 24: Finally Telling

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Today is Nirvana's graduation. The ceremony don't start till eight, but my mom wants to get their early. She wants to see her oldest baby graduate. I told her she would be able to see from any seat, but she wants to be in the front.

"Annaleigh, why haven't you got ready yet?" My mom asked as she came into my room, seeing me looking at the mountain view. Yes, I have a mountain view from my bedroom. I have two big comfy couches in front of the window, so I can just sit back and enjoy the view.

I turned to look at my mom. "It won't take me long to get ready. All I have to do is put my best pair of jeans on and a nice T-shirt. Then brush my hair and teeth and I will be good." My mom didn't look to pleased. "Sometimes, I think you were supposed to be a boy." She began to walk out the door but stopped. "Oh, and don't come downstairs unless you have a dress on." She has to be kidding me right? First off I hate dresses, yeah I have them but I barely wear them. And second, it's only 16℉. "Mom, you do know the high is only 22℉?" I asked. "Yes baby, but you have worked in colder temperatures than that." She replied. "But I was in JEANS! Not a freaking dress!" I yelled, getting fed up. I didn't care what my mom said next, I just walked into my closet to change.

I did listen to my mom. I put on my tan dress that stops just above the knees, with a small brown belt around the waist. Since it is so cold outside, I grabbed my brown sweater. It looks like it was made to go with this dress. I then slipped on my brown cowboy boots are - not one of my work pairs. After I was done in my closet, I went to my bathroom. I decided to curl my hair, since this was a special occasion. I also added a little more makeup than I normally would.

"Baby girl are you- oh wow! You look so beautiful!" My dad walked into the bedroom as I was walking out of the bathroom. "Thanks dad, but this isn't my day. This is about Nirvana." I told him as I grabbed my things. "Nonsense! I leave tonight, so this day is about all my girls. Yes, Nirvana is graduating that just makes this day even more special." He walked over to me giving my a big hug. "I love you Daddy!" He kissed my head. "I love you too baby girl!"

Mom wanted to take some pictures before we left so we all gathered around and had a few done. Now we are sitting in the gym of the school. Nirvana was in here spot waiting for her name to be called. It wasn't long till was though. "Nirvana Blue," echoed through the gym. Nirvana walked onto the stage with a huge grin. We all cheered and clapped for her, probably embarrassing her, I know it would me.

About an hour and half later the ceremony was finally over. "Yes, food! I'm so hungry, it's unreal." Abigail said as we got in my truck. She rode with Mom and Dad to the ceremony, now she's riding with me.

"Well, you are eating for three." I told her and we both started laughing. "I have about thirty-three weeks left, and I can't wait. Yeah I am still terrified, but I'm also thrilled. I'm gonna be a mom and you're gonna be an aunt." I glanced over to her. She had the biggest smile on her face. "Have you told Blake yet?" I asked, a little hesitant. She looked out the window. "That's one of the reasons I rode with you. I'm going over to his house tonight to tell him and I don't know if I can do it by myself. Do you think you could go with me?" She looked away from the window and down to her lap.

What do I say? I mean, I can't just say no. I did say I would help her through it all. I pulled my truck to the side of the road. "Abbi, I know you're scared but you need to do this on your own. I am always just a phone call away and you know that. Just think, would you really want your girlfriend's sister to come with to tell you that she is pregnant? That would just make things awkward." She jumped in her seat. "Well, what if you called Hunter and we all went on a double date. We could go to the lake and I could tell him that night. Please Annaleigh! I can't do this by myself. It's just too hard. You could tell Hunter the real reason when we get there. Please...!" She grabbed my hands and looked deep into my eyes. "I don't ask for a lot, so please?" She asked again.

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