Chapter 27: Nightmares Of Daydreams

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"Annaleigh! My water just broke!" Abigail screamed at the top of her lungs. I ran into her room and she was laying on her bed. "I can't move. The babies are coming now!" I didn't know what to do. Mom was away in some other state and daddy is in Iraq.

The first baby was born and he didn't cry right away. I cut the cord and he started crying a little. The second baby was born right after and the same thing happened. The next thing I knew both babies stopped breathing and Abbi disappeared.

I woke up panting, grabbing my chest trying I took three deep breaths.

"Abigail!" I jumped out of my bed and ran to her room. She wasn't there. I ran to my parent's room, no one was in there. I ran downstairs looking everywhere. I finally found her in the kitchen.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" I let out a sigh of relief. I ran over to her kissing her on the cheek then kissing her 6 months growing stomach multiple times.

"What, I was just making a sandwich." She said looking at me at though I lost my mind.

"I had a nightmare that you had lost the babies and died." I was still shaking from that dream.

"They are fine. They have been kicking me all morning. That's why I am up so early. I couldn't get comfortable. I finally just had to get up," she said as she sat down at the table.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:26 am. I went over to the fridge to get myself something to eat. I decided today was such a big day I would make myself a smoothie.

"Do you want one?" I asked Abbi.

"Sure," she replied.

I began making the strawberry and banana smoothie when my phone went off.

"Nirvana wants to know if she can come to the rodeo tonight. I won't be able to make it sadly and I am sorry about that." My mom's text read.

I didn't know if it was okay with Abigail so I asked. "Nirvana want to come to the rodeo tonight. Is that okay with you or do I need to tell Mom that you're still not ready?"

"It's fine. If she want to come let her. I'm not going to be rude."

I told Mom and she asked why I was up so early. I didn't want to tell her the whole truth so I simply replied, "Bad dream." She told me that we needed to have a wonderful last day and that she would tell Nirvana.

Abbi and I talked until it was time to get ready for school. We both went up to our rooms to get dress. I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing fancy. We will be coming back here right after school and loading the horses up. Of course Abigail won't be riding but she is going for support. Hunter will be meeting us at the arena. His mom and sisters with him.

Last day of school, big rodeo, and Nirvana is going to be there. There is no telling what today is going to bring. I just pray to God that nothing bad happens tonight.

School flew by. I grabbed all my things out of locker and headed to my truck. Abigail was already there. She hasn't been driving that much unless it's absolutely necessary. We hopped in and headed back to the house.

I had Abbi stay in the truck cause I didn't want her overworking herself. I hitched the trailer and then loaded the horses. I ran into the house grabbing my bag and getting Abbi and I some water. I ran back to the truck, jumped in and headed to the arena.

When we got there, the place was getting full. I pulled the truck beside Hunter's.

"About time you show up! I was worried you forgot." said Hunter as he hugged me.

"Shut up. I had a lot of running to do."

"I know baby. I was just messing with you." He kissed my forehead. "Are you ready?"

I let out a sigh. "I think so."

"Know so." Nirvana came around the side of the trailer.

I didn't know what to do. Do I hug her.? Do I say something back? What do I do? Before I could say anything, she did. "I am sorry Annaleigh. I have already apologized to Abigail but I knew I also need to apologize to you too. What I said that night was uncalled for and disrespectful. I am yalls big sister, I should support yall no matter what. I am sorry I didn't that night. I was just stressed out. I know, I know. No excuses. I understand if you don't forgive me, I wouldn't forgive myself either. Just know that I am deeply sorry."

I ran over to her and gave her a bone crushing hug. "I have missed my big older sister." I told her.

"I have missed my little annoying sisters too." We both started laughing. "I love you!"

" I love you too!"

"Ladies barrels in 15 minutes," the announcer's voice came through the speakers.

"Might want to start getting ready." Nirvana said.

I went to the back of the trailer and found the horses tacked and ready to go.

"Who did this?" I asked, looking around.

"I might have." Ms. Evans stepped out of the trailer.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I hugged her and saddled Ginger.

I was ready. They called my name and I took off. I was ready to get through this night with no injuries.

I got around each barrel with ease and even beat my own record with a 10.317. I was surprised. I couldn't even believe it. I jumped off Ginger and ran to Hunter.

"Oh my gosh! How in the world did you just pull that off?" He asked.

"I have no clue. I just went out there with the thought of getting through this night with no injuries. I still can't believe it."

Just as Hunter was about to say something, a familiar looking guy walked up.

"Mr. Evans. Miss. Blue. I am Mr. Barns, I wanted to talk to after the rodeo on August 30th. I saw the accident so I told your mom to have you contact me when you had the chance."

"Oh Mr. Barns, I am so sorry. I got so caught up on-"

"Please Miss. Blue, I completely understand. You don't have to explain yourself."

"Its nice to meet you Mr. Barns. May I ask why you are up here in Columbia Falls?" Hunter asked.

"Ah yes. I have come up here for you two. Yall are one of the best I have saw. I would also like to give y'all a cash prize and money for the accident." He said.

"Not to be rude but the accident was almost a year ago." Hunter replied.

"I see. I understand that Miss. Blue took care of you the whole time, correct?" Mr. Barns asked.

Hunter nodded.

"The bills are payed for. Am I right?"

Hunter nodded again, looking a little confused.

"You have a wonderful girlfriend that spent weeks taking care of an injured bull rider. Take this money and do something special for her or with her."

Hunter looked at me then back at Mr. Barns. "Thank you!"

"Don't mentioned it. Just one thing." Mr. Barns added.

"Yes sir," Hunter said.

"Get back to riding bulls. And don't injure yourself again."

"Yes sir, I will start training and get back to it as soon as I can." Hunter replied.

Hunter and I shook Mr. Barns' hand as he said he would drop the check off at the bank. After he left Hunter and I met up with the rest of our crew and headed back to my house. We dropped Ms. Evans off at her house on the way. We stayed up for a little while watching movies. The girls fell asleep on Hunter and I so we tucked them in bed. When we went back downstairs Nirvana, Abigail, Hunter, and I stayed up until 2am talking. Getting caught up on each other's life.

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