Chapter 21: What will I do?

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Abbi and I got to the nearest walk in clinic about 30 minutes later. She could not sit still. Bouncing her leg, rubbing her hands together, looking around. She just couldn't stay still. I couldn't blame her though, I would be doing the same thing if I was in her position.

"Miss. Blue," nurse called. Abigail got up, I just stayed put in my seat. "Oh no you don't! You are coming with me back here. You said I don't have to do this alone." Abbi grabbed my arm and dragged me with her to the nurse. "And I promise you, you don't. I just didn't think you wanted me there." She stopped right in front of the doorway. "Annaleigh, you are my twin sister. Yeah we have our moments where we absolutely hate each other, but I will always love you." I hugged her. "I love you Abigail and I will no matter what happens today."

"Sorry to interrupt this sweet sister moment but I think we need to figure out if you are or not."

The nurse asked Abbi a bunch of questions then stepped out the room. Shortly after, the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Z. You must be the Blue sisters." He shook both our hands. "Yes Sir. I am Abigail and this is my sister Annaleigh. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice." He nodded his head. "You're welcome. Now, the questions that you answered of course wouldn't be 100% reliable. So, we will need to run some test on you. The nurse will come in here and draw some blood. We will also need you to pee in a cup. After that we will do an ultrasound. Sound good?" We both nodded. "Good. The nurse will be in shortly."

The nurse came back in 10 minutes later. She drew her blood then handed her a cup. "The bathroom is right across the hall. Just set it in the tray when you are done." Abigail got off the table. "Thank you." I was now in the room by myself. This is nerve racking! So much going on. I feel so bad for Abbi.

Abigail's P.O.V.

I sat the cup in the tray as told. I looked at myself in the mirror. What if I am a mom? How am I going to go to school and take care of a baby? What if Blake doesn't want to be a part of this baby's life? I will be a single mom. "I can't think like this! I just have to take it day by day." I walked out the bathroom, back into the exam room. Annaleigh was still sitting in the same spot as when I left. "Has the doctor come back in?" I asked. She looked up. "No. I have just been in here by myself. Are you okay? And if you say you are fine, I am going to strangle you." I chuckled. Right now I am scared. I don't know what to do. I have so many questions running through my mind and I can't get them to stop. I can't choose just one topic and stick to it. I just know that whatever happens is what I have to live with. I have to take each day as it comes. If I lose people along the way, then that will be fine, because I will gain some too."

Annaleigh got up from her chair and hugged me again. "I love you so much! I will not leave you or this baby's side."

Just as Annaleigh sat back down, Dr. Z walked back in. "Well Miss. Blue. are you ready to begin the ultrasound?" I let out a heavy sigh. "I guess. I mean there is no turning back." He nodded. "I need you to lift up your shirt for me." I did as I was told. He got everything together. "This gel will be a little cold." He wasn't kidding. It was pretty cold. They should get a heating thing for that. He then put the wand on my stomach. I closed my eyes. A few moments later, Dr. Z spoke, "Well, open your eyes Miss. Blue. Look at what we have."

I opened my eyes and I saw on the screen two arrows pointing. "What are those arrows pointing at?" I asked. "Those are your babies." My eyes closed then shot back open. Babies!? "Congratulations Miss. Blue, you are expecting twins." I looked over at Annaleigh and mouthed, 'what will I do'.

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