Chapter 9: Best Birthday Present Ever!

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I got home around 6. I decided after I left to take a ride. I didn't do a lot of driving. I actually stopped in an empty field and sat on the tailgate just thinking. School is starting Monday and today is Friday. I am terrified.

"Hey Honey, where have you been," my mom asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Oh, I went to Nicole's and talked to Hunter for a bit. Is everything okay?" She was leaning on the counter with her hands in her palms. "Yeah Honey, I'm just tired. I have been packing and moving things all day. I am fine, trust me." She gave me a reinsuring smile then walked out to go the camper I assume.

I walked over to the table to find a plate of food for me. I smiled and sat to eat.

My phone started to ring. I grabbed it out of my pocket to answer it. I didn't check the caller ID before I got myself in the conversation.


"Oh Thank god you answered!"

"What's wrong Elle?" Elle is my other best friend. Her real name is Elaina but I call her Elle.

"We are about to leave Paris but mom and dad are in another fight."

"Well what time will you arrive?" I asked

"Well we should arrive to Billings at 5 am. We then have another flight at 5:30 to Columbia Falls. That flight is 4 hours, so I'm guessing 9 or 10 am."

"Okay. You should be able to get there at the rodeo before it starts. You did take extra clothes when you went to Paris right?" I pray she did.

"Yes woman I did. Plus, I got new clothes while I was there. I should be good for a few days. Hey I have to go. We are about to get on. See you in the morning."

"Okay good. Anyways I have to go to. I have to drive to the arena. See ya then. Love ya, Bye."

"Love ya too. Bye"

I hung up the phone. I texted Nicole to make sure she got my uniform. She did. I then grabbed a few final things before walking out the door.

"Hey, you ready to go. I got the horses loaded and I made sure we didn't forget anything." Abigail asked while hopping into my truck.

"I guess so Miss Thing." She cringed. She hated it when I called her that.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that," she asked through her gritting teeth.

I started laughing, "You know I love you. I'm only doing it out of pure love."

If looks could kill, I would be six foot under by now.

I started driving in front of my mom and dad. "Hey Abb, call Nicole and see if they're there yet please."

"Can I just text her?" I nodded my head. She text her and she replied instantly. They are setting up now.

We arrived within 20 minutes.

I parked the truck and trailer by the stable. Mom and Dad are checking us in.

"Hey!!!" Nicole came out of one of the stalls.

"Gosh woman. Can't you see I have horses near me. They could have spooked." I looked at here and throw her a death glare.

"Really? You trained them horses so they wouldn't get spooked. I know better than that. If they weren't yours, I wouldn't have done that." She's right. I train them not to get spooked. They have never gotten spooked by her before or anything for that matter.

After unloading the horses and putting the tack in there their assigned areas. WE decided to get something to eat.

When we got to the camper, I saw dad grilling some hamburgers and hotdogs. "Oh thanks dad! I was getting hungry."

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