Chapter 4: Just Wait

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Waking up to the sound of birds chirping would be nice but no, I have to wake up to the sound of someone beating my door down. "WHO IS IT," using my half asleep voice came out as a yell. No one answered me so I figured it was just Abigail trying to bug the crap out of me. Just as I went to lay back down, I heard my phone go off. Looking up to my very blinding phone I notice I have multiple messages form the one, the only, Nicole Jackson.

Message one: "Where the heck are you."

Message two: "Wake that big butt of yours up NOW!"

Message three: "Annaleigh, we don't have all day."

Looking at the clock to see how late I slept in and it only say 6:11. Does this girl ever sleep?

I finally get out of bed to go take a shower. As I hope in the shower, I can hear my phone ringing. I'm sure it's just Nicole again so I don't bother to get it.

Once I was out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my closet to get some clothes. I figure she probably wants me to stay with her since her mom is a designer and her dad is in the military. That means, she will be home alone for two weeks.

Once I got all my clothes in my bag fully packed for 4 days. I went down stairs to tell my mom and dad bye and to get my keys.

Yes, if you were wondering, I do have a truck.

Once I got in my truck, I pulled out my phone and called Nicole to tell her I am on my way and that she better have my so food fixed by the time I get there.

Of course she won't be the one cooking, she has her own chef. He is a nut, he will just start dancing around the kitchen "to make time fly" as he puts it.

I was pulling in to her driveway when my favorite song as of right now, American Kids by Kenny Chesney came on. I stopped my truck and started singing along. I noticed the front door to the house open and soon saw Nicole running to my truck.

She hopped in and started to sing with me. Once the song was over she turned to me and said, "you really should join the talent show this year." I just shrugged hopping out of my truck grabbing all of the things I need and locked my doors.

Once I entered the door I automatically smell George's famous hot wings. I dropped my bags and ran to the kitchen. "Hello Annaleigh, long time no see." Just as I turn to my right I see George holding the hot wings, walking toward me. He handed my the plate and I turned to go to the dinning room. "Thank you so much George, you don't know how much I have missed you and you hot wings."

The entire time I was eating Nicole keep asking if i was done. After about the third time i just ate slower every time she asked. Ten minutes later I was finally done.

We grabbed our bags, phone and anything else we might need. Once we got to Nicole's sport car I heard Nicole's phone go off.

"Who is that?" No answer so I asked again. A minute later she finally replied with a smirk on her face. "Oh, no one." Come on we both know I heard her phone, so I asked again."Nicole, don't play stupid with me. I know you are talking to someone so just spill already." I could see in her eyes she wanted to but wasn't sure if she wanted to. Then she finally broke. "Okay, you got me but, don't worry it's just my cousin." Huh, "wait Nicole are you not going to tell me what cousin." I mean I do know all her family, well most of it. "No I'm not, you are just going to have to wait it out." Okay, I'm totally lost here. She never does this. Something has to be up. Oh well, I'm not arguing with her of something as small as a text but, it is going to kill me till I know what she is hiding.

The Year That Changed My Life ForeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora