Chapter 30: Independent and Torn

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Things have been going pretty good. The twins are still in the NICU but they were born early so what do you expect. Abigail is healing well too. She is still in the hospital too.

We rented out the cabin a little longer so we could be closer to the hospital. It makes the commute easier.

Sam and Nirvana had to go back home though. Nirvana had to get back to work and Sam had to make sure all his applications were delivered for college.

I'm on my way up to see Abigail now. Mom and dad are gonna come up later. Hunter stayed with the girls and obviously Blake is there with Abbi.

I gently knocked on the door. “Come in.” I could hear someone call out. I walked in. Abbi was resting. She looked a little pale.

“Are you feeling alright?” I asked.

She wrinkled her eyebrows, “I feel a little funny but I'm fine.” I looked over at Blake. He looked a little concerned. I'm guessing he could she the concern in my face too cause he got up and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he walking in with the nurse.

“How are we doing Miss. Blue?” The nurse asked as she rubbed her hand with some germ-x.

“I'm fine, I promise.” Abigail replied.

“So if you're fine you won't mind if I do a quick exam of everything.”

Abigail shook her head, “No ma’am I won't. Go ahead.”

The nurse took her stethoscope and checked her lungs. “Sounds good.”

She took her blood pressure. “Now that's a little higher than I want it to be.”

She pressed on Abigail’s stomach. Abbi made a painful face but quickly hide it. But I think the nurse noticed or felt her jump or something.

The nurse said, “I want to check your incision site.” Abbi nodded. The nurse moved the blankets down and immediately froze. She pulled the blanket up and called for the doctor.

The doctor rushed in and she told him what was going on. He walked to the end of the bed and raised the blankets.

“Miss. Blue, not to alarm you but we need to rush you into surgery right away. You are bleeding a lot.” The doctor told Abigail. You could see the pure fear in her eyes. She was terrified.

“Okay.” She told the doctor. “Annaleigh, please call mom and dad. And Blake if anything happens please take care of the twins. I love y'all!”

They quickly rushed her back. I called mom and dad. They said they would be here as soon as they could.

I tried to sit in the waiting room by my leg just keep bouncing. I got up and started pacing the halls, that didn't help. I ended up in front of the NICU. They have already been through alot and now they might lose their mom.

The doctor came to me after the surgery was finished. That was one of the longest times of my life. “I'm sorry to tell you this but your sister is in a coma. We don't know when she will wake or even if she will wake up.” I lost it right then. I can't believe this. I might lose my twin sister. The twins might lose their mom. Blake might lose his girlfriend. I can't think about this right now. This is too much.

*27 weeks later*

It's been six months and there is still no progress with Abigail. She has been laying in that hospital bed for so long. I miss her voice. I wish she would just come back, but the doctors say there is no hope.

Mom and Dad made their final decision last night. They are taking her off life support.

I'm losing my sister tonight. My best friend. The twins are losing their mother. Blake is losing his fienccé. Life will never be the same anymore.

We are told to say our final goodbyes. That  couldn't have been any harder. I was just ready to leave. I  couldn't sit around knowing that my sister is about to die.

I drove Blake back to my house. Here lately we have been hanging out a lot more. His parents don't want him to have anything to do with the babies and he wants everything. But since he is an only child and his family has all this money he kinda has to listen to them.

“Listen Annaleigh. I want you to have custody of the twins. I know this is a lot to ask but you know what's going on with my family and with this way I know I will be able to see them. So please. They already love you so much. I mean you are the one that takes care of them.” Blake asked me as we laid on the bed.

“Blake. I-” Blake cut me off.

“Please Annaleigh, for me, Abbi, and the twins.”

I sat there for a minute pondering on it. This with change my life dramatically. What about med school? How will I take care of them in my on? Will I be able to do this?

“I would rather them be with family then some complete strangers so yes.” I finally said.

“Thank you Annaleigh! I love you so much.” Blake hugged me.

*2 months later*

I got custody of the twins and let me tell you it hasn't been easy letting go of Abigail.

I miss her everyday.

I am independent and torn.

I wonder how I will get through this new life.
I hear the twins crying for you.
I see the tears rolling down their cheeks.
I want you back

I am independent and torn.

I pretend you are still with us.
I feel your presence with them.
I touch the beauty you created. I worry for their future without you there.
I cry for you everyday.

I am independent and torn.

I understand you are gone.
I say to myself, you are still with them.
I dream of the life you had.
I hope they understand how much you love them.

I am independent and torn.

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