Chapter 2: Not As Expected

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After I got home last night, it was to late to do anything. It is now five O'clock in the morning and I have to go out hauling hay, gathering eggs, and rounding up cow. As soon I woke up this morning I had I text from my dad saying, he gets to come home for a week. I have not seen my dad since I got out of school in May, it's now June 29. I hopped out of bed, grabbed my phone, and went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My bright blue eyes didn't look so bright. They looked lifeless, my medium brown hair looked like a bird nest.

I brushed my hair, making sure all the knots were out before tying it into a ponytail and putting my hat on. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, even though I'm going to have to take a shower later.

I walked to my closet grabbing my work clothes and put them on. I made my way down stairs for a quick breakfast, trying to stay quite cause I'm the only one awake at this time.

After I was done, I went to our mud room to put on my boots. Once I opened up the front door, I was greeted by the warm sunrise. This is going to be a great day, I thought to myself.

Reaching the barn, I grabbed Little Feather, tacked him up, grabbed what I needed, mounted, and took off.

Once I got the cows rounded in their pens, I gave them some feed and went to gather the eggs. We have one roster that just love to run under your feet and today he want me to be the first. As I got near the pen, I can see him in the distance coming straight for me. I thought I could get in the pen before he tripped me but, no I was wrong. When I opened the gate he tripped me causing myself to go flying back, letting all ten hens out. "Great, just what I needed," I thought but apparently I said it out loud cause I heard a male voice ask if I needed a hand up. "Of coarse I need a hand, can't ya see I'm on the ground with chickens flying around," I yelled without looking at the guy. "Here let me help you up," replied the man. As I reached for the unknown man's hand, I looked up to see who the man was. "Dad"

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