Chapter 12: Is He Going To Be Okay?

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Once we arrived at the closest hospital, doctors came running out to the ambulance.

“Ma?” A nurse came up to me. I was my knees once again balling my eyes out. The nurse helped me up, “Come on I have somewhere you can rest.” I let her lead me to a room.

I had blood cover areas on my clothes. “Here put this on.” the nurse handed me a pair T-shirt and shorts. Where did she get these? “Don’t worry, they are mine for after my shifts. I don’t mind you can have them if you like.” I looked up at her for the first time. She had blonde hair and brown eyes.

She gave me a soft smile. “Why are you doing this? You don’t even know me. I’m just some girl that watch someone she cares about getting injured.” I’m still crying. The nurse walks closer to me and wraps me in a hug. “I know I don’t know you and trust me you are not just some girl. You are a beautiful young lady that is going through a tough time. And for the reason why I am doing this is because you remind me so much of myself.” She releases me a little looking at my face. “Sit down.” I turn and sit on a bed in the room.

“When I was 15, I did rodeos like yourself. People told me I was amazing, but I stopped doing rodeos eight years later. My husband was a bull rider, it was his passion. He loved doing it, the only thing he loved more was our family and me. We become teen parents of a little boy when I turned 17, I continued school and doing rodeos. We had twins when I turned 20, two little girls. My husband had a rodeo a month after I turned 23, he did amazing. After he was off the bull, it came charging right toward him. It kept hitting my husband with his head.” I looked over at her. She had tears building up into her eyes.

“You don’t need to tell me this. I have no right to hear you life story.” I try to tell her but she just shakes her head. “Like I said you remind me so much of myself. Anyways, they finally got the bull off of him and quickly rushed him to the hospital. He had a massive amount of bleeding in his brain. They tried their best to save him but it was too late.” I reached over and gave her the biggest hug I could.

Yeah it didn’t give me hope he would survive but it gave me hope I could get through this.

*** Hunter’s P.O.V. ***

All I remember is flying over the bull’s head and feeling sharp pain in my chest. I can see my body laying on operating room table. I can’t be dead. If I was I wouldn’t be standing here looking at my body. Maybe, this is the last result before I do die. But I can’t, what about the girls, my mom, I am too young to die. Most importantly, I won’t be able to tell Annaleigh about the feelings I have for her.

Flashback: 5 Years Old

“Mama, I miss her.” I tell my mom holding the last picture I have of Annaleigh. “I know honey, I do too. We just can’t see her right now.” I started to cry. It has been 3 years since I saw her and I miss her with all my heart.  I want to get away and see her. Maybe it will help stop my dad from beating my mom. She has too many booboos on her.

11 Years Old

She is still on my mind day and night. I look at her beautiful face in this photo and miss her so much. My mom said we might be able to get away one day so I can see her. The thing is, she says that every year. I tried to get my mom to call her for me but she says she lost their number. How can you lose a number of someone important. My dad is still beating my mom and I can’t do anything to stop it or he starts hunting me. Mama makes me go to my room and watch my little sisters, but it hurts seeing her like this.

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