Episode 10 - Counselor

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Judy woke up in her bed, the scent of dryer sheets on her blankets having faded, or at least she'd become nose-blind to them. Instead she could smell something akin to violets. She pulled her paws to her muzzle, curious about it.

She then sat up, remembering. She had been petting Nick's tail while it was draped over her under the hammock. That was how his tail smelled. She drew at the scent again to more fully consider it. She'd always been told foxes were musky and that the scent was supposed to be unpleasant, but that didn't seem so bad. Maybe it was some kind of fur shampoo that he used.

She got up, wiping her paws on her pillow self-consciously. The scent clung to her small fingers tenaciously. She would wash her paws when she got to the bathroom. Judy stretched, feeling very rested. She had been so out of it the previous night that she dropped off immediately upon reaching her room.

"Good morning, Judy. Sleep okay?" Her father was passing her room as she exited it.

"Pretty good. Lazy fox still sleeping?" she asked.

"Nope, he's helping Bonnie with breakfast in the kitchen." Stu smiled. Judy cupped her muzzle, getting violets again. She put her paws down by her sides. She hoped her mom was not embarrassing him, especially after the running-gag-level compromising position she spied them in under the hammock. She went to the bathroom first, washing up a bit and then to the kitchen to see if her partner was curled up in a ball under the table yet.

"Well I don't see what the big deal is, I mean, he is what he is, folks should pay attention to his acting ability, which I admit is off the scale." Bonnie was talking to Nick about something. Judy spoke up to join in the conversation.

"What's the topic?" she asked.

"Jack Savage." Nick explained. Judy perked up. She loved that bunny's action and spy movies. She had gotten Nick to watch a few with her. He claimed to never remember who he was but she knew he was just messing with her. Nick owned two of his movies that she knew of. He liked action. Bonnie spoke up.

"He's put both feet into politics. It was in the paper this morning. There's a chance he might even run for mayor." Judy widened her eyes at that. She knew Savage had been vocal alongside Gazelle after the Nighthowler incident but she didn't think he was seriously becoming political. Her partner spoke.

"Your mother seems to think that he will embarrass bunnies because he is not a politician and might stumble on the more official actions befitting a mayor. I think he can't do any worse than the sheep or the well-meaning if law-breaking lion." Nick explained.

"He's great at what he does! He doesn't need to be what he's not." Bonnie said. Nick looked a little stunned. He gestured to Bonnie.

"Hey, it's Zootopia, anyone can be anything. If an actor wants to become mayor he just needs the votes. Besides, I think his views mirror most of the public's for the most part, and that's the biggie, right? More than the Swinton lady. She's on the dole, you know she is." Judy gritted her teeth, not wanting Sunday to become a political discussion.

"How about a fox?" Bonnie asked. "Do you think any foxes might make a good mayor? Anyone that you would vote for?" she asked.

"Mom, being a fox doesn't mean a fox would want to vote for them." The younger doe chastised.

"No, that's fair, I mean, it's why Lionheart even put Bellwether in the position she was in." Nick explained. "Actually, I don't know many foxes very well. I sure as hell wouldn't want the job. Not the life for me. I could barely stand all the attention after the Munch match." He shook his head. "I don't think most foxes go for that sort of thing, so it's gonna be one of the more social mammals. I think a bunny would be real sensitive to public opinion and the like. Not to seem pointed or anything, but you guys do at least look like you are listening." Nick chuckled. Judy slid her hands up her ears.

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