Episode 20 - Clues

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“… I don’t care if a police officer is here to witness it, I’m gonna take you into the bathroom and drown you in the toilet, Wilde!” Skye fairly screamed.  Judy watched, not interfering as the red fox held his hands up innocently at her.  The bunny honestly could not blame poor Skye. 

Nick countered, “Hey, I didn’t say ‘try to violate this famous mammal in my apartment, Frosty, that was all your own adventure!”  He laughed a bit at that.  Skye did not seem to share the feeling of humor about her literally licking the acclaimed actor.

“Don’t call me Frosty!  What is it with you and dumb nick-names?”  She pulled a cart into the room and began rummaging through it.  Judy stepped a little closer, curious about all the odd things she had in it.  It seemed to be a cart filled with things to fix small hardware issues in an apartment.  Judy looked back and forth between her partner and this fox.  They seemed to know each other, but she found that she was oddly put at ease with the fact that they did not seem to get along.  Then again, Judy was finding that for a lot of folks, Nick was enjoyable in the smallest possible dose.  Except for her.  She seemed to be immune to it even though he didn’t seem to handle her that much differently.

Judy decided to introduce a little small talk to hopefully calm down the vixen who had just humiliated herself in front of Jack.  She spoke softly, leaning in closer.  “I take it you have been handling maintenance for this building a while?”

“About six years, unfortunately.  Mostly it’s fine, but every once in a while I get to deal with this smug-factory.”  She extended her middle claw briefly up for Nick and then took out a set of brass hinges and a drill.  Judy instinctively took a step back away from the angry vixen with power tools.  Skye set to work repairing the door on the floor in the middle of the entryway between the living room and the dining room.  Nick seemed unconcerned with her verbal daggers.  She stopped drilling a moment.  “What’s his nickname for you?” she asked.  Judy widened her eyes.  It would sound worse to someone who already didn’t like Nick.

Nick, however, did not hesitate to answer.  “Carrots.”

Skye looked up at Judy, eyes wide, ears back before glaring at Nick, and looking back over to Judy.  “I can nail his door shut, if you like,” Skye stated as she resumed drilling.  “You’re Judy, right?  His partner?  He told me all about you.  I still can’t believe you’ve never shot him.”

Judy flattened her ears back a bit, figuring that the limited exposure Skye had to her partner was mostly while he was in a joking mood and she didn’t know the real Nick.  The bunny decided to volunteer a little of that.  “We get along fine.  He’s got his quirks but he’s a good mammal.  He’s charitable, sticks up for the little guy, and he’s terrific at talking to mammals and getting control of a situation.  While he might be an odd tenant I assure you, he’s a fantastic cop.”  She crossed her arms.  Skye looked up at her, seeming shocked, as if she were a sweet old school teacher and Judy had just launched into a foul tirade of swearing and innuendo.

The white vixen rubbed he muzzle a bit and then looked at Nick.  “I can fix anything in your apartment but her.  That’s completely cracked.”  She nodded and began putting on the brass fittings for the door. 

“Hey!” Judy cried.  “I won’t say he hasn’t driven me crazy but-“

“…because then you’d be lying,” Skye completed, getting a chuckle out of Nick.

“- But!” resumed, Judy, “He’s not all that bad, is all.” 

Skye rolled her eyes.  “I’ll take your word for it, perhaps in the most professional sense, but you don’t have to live with him.”  Skye finished putting the second set of fittings on the door and began removing the old hinges from the frame of the broken door. 

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