Episode 16 - Threat

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Judy looked at the back of her phone where it lay on the floor by the couch.  She felt silly for dropping it, but she felt even sillier for trying to look up what had embarrassed Nick so bad the previous day.  This was not the imagery she generally started her morning with.  Sure, she had intended to learn more about foxes but that was… a lot of new information in a short, graphic amount of time.  Nick opened his bedroom door, looking out sleepily.

“You okay?  I thought I heard a yelp.  Didn’t fall off the couch, did you?” he asked groggily.  Judy scrambled to pick up her phone and hide it before Nick could so much as fully leave his bedroom.  She did not need him to see that.

She shook her head and in nervous innocence said a little too loudly, “Haha!  No, I just dropped my phone.  Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you.”  Nick scratched his lower back, walking out to the kitchen shirtless.  He was wearing rather dumpy-looking grey jogging pants which were probably pretty comfortable, but the bunny suspected that he might originally have worn less and was just wearing those at this point because he had company. 

Nick spoke softly, as if fearful of waking other sleepers, “No, I’ve been up a little bit.”  He yawned a long, wide yawn.  Judy impatiently waited for Nick to go back to his room, or to take a shower or something.  She would obliterate her phone’s history.  She looked up just as Nick’s yawn ended, punctuated by a heart-rending kit-ish squeak.  This comforted her for some reason.  She took a deep breath and finally just needed to address it.  She would be antsy all day if she didn’t.

“So uh…  I wanted to say I was sorry for what it was I unintentionally suggested yesterday.  I had no idea, I promise you.”  She rubbed the back of her head, having trouble looking him in the eyes as she said it.  He seemed to notice her discomfort and his ears pinned back.

“You did not go looking that up, did you?  I was kidding about you seeking out that education on your own.” He said with a pleasant tone, making him seem caring but slightly playful.  It was a fine line to dance.  He was either going to apologize for making her see that, or tease her for what she surely learned.

“Oh, I’m educated.” Judy sighed.  “I mean, I knew about that, I’m not that naïve, I just… It’s not called that.  Bunnies don’t employ a lot of euphemisms for that stuff.  I had absolutely no idea… I… How could your mom have thought I meant that?” Judy suddenly asked.  “I mean, Finnick sure, and you maybe, just for the sake of a laugh, but your mom too?” she asked.  “I mean… I don’t think even the mechanics of that would work!”  She finally looked up at Nick who was holding a half full glass of water with a blank expression on his face, doing nothing.  “Nick?” Judy asked.  Was she offending him?  It was a pretty personal conversation.

He blinked and put his glass of water down, pulling his ears back. “I’m sorry fluff, I just… I hadn’t expected this to be our candid morning conversation, I wasn’t ready.  I needed coffee, not water.” He chuckled.  “And to answer your question, my mom still thinks we are secretly a thing, more since the accident, so I promise you, she was putting those puzzle pieces together with a hammer.  The fact that you were so innocent about it though I think helped her to understand we are not a thing.  Finnick however didn’t think we were a thing before, and now he does no matter what I say, so there’s that.”  Nick sipped his water as Judy put her head in her hands.

She murmured shamefully, “I am so sorry about that Nick.  You have to believe me.”  Her partner grinned broadly.

“There’s no preventing the getting.  It will happen,” the fox practically purred. 

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