Episode 14 - Weakness

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The sleepy bunny stirred a little, rolling onto her back, and then slightly jumping in agony the moment her shoulder pressed into the back of the couch. That jolted her awake completely.

She found herself in the dark and was a alarmed at first, but the scent from the couch reminded her she was in Nick's apartment where she was supposed to be because she actually lived there for the time being. She pushed her face into the back of the couch, feeling calmed by it and then pulled back, wrinkling her nose. That wasn't a very not-clingy security attachment thing for her to be doing. She was reminded of her sister absconding with Nick's pillow.

Was there something she wasn't telling Judy about? As far as Judy had gathered in their conversations, Sammie had dated a fox. Had she built a similar attachment and needed the scent of fox to feel safe and happy? Would Judy be driven to filch random things from her partner? A pillow here, a shirt there... That worried her.

"Sleepy bunny." Nick's voice was warm and gentle from the direction of the darkened dining room.

"I'm sorry - I hope I didn't wake you," Judy groaned. She then cried out in surprise as light flooded the room, Nick pulling open black-out drapes and let the sunlight in.

"It's eleven so I've been up a while." Nick grinned at his partner.

"What?!" she cried. She sat up and then grunted, fell back, and groaned again.

"Hell, I thought the doctor was kidding about how spazzy bunnies are when they get hurt. Have you not figured out that it's the whole suddenly moving thing that makes the owwie happen?" Nick sat by Judy's feet.

She held her shoulder. "Pills. Trip-back-from-hell pills, please." She groaned. Nick held up two oval white pills between his fingers. Oh good, he already brought them over. How considerate. Judy reached out meekly for them.

"First, are you going to be good and try to stay still through the day?" He asked.

"Yes, I promise, now, pills or we explore the wonderful world of violence," Judy growled.

"And no pushing your partner around and threatening to embarrass him in front of his mother?" he asked, drawing the pills back.

The bunny whined plaintively and reached for pills that were held just out of reach. "I won't tell anyone about you telling me fox secrets, gimmee!" Judy finally sighed as Nick gave them to her. "Making a bunny suffer. You aren't gonna make me swallow these dry are you?" she asked, her voice garbled a little because the pills were already in. Nick gave her some water. She downed the pills and laid back. "Cripes this is more agonizing on day three."

"Probably just because you haven't moved in sixteen hours. I suspect you were not really sleeping so much as occasionally dozing in the hospital. Maybe bunnies don't like them either?" Nick offered.

"Maybe. I was hoping you'd be able to go out and do your normal stuff today because I would have been able to tough through the pain but to Hell with that!" Judy sighed.

"Well, I'm gonna pay a few bills online and send an email to Wolford to make arrangements for a shift trade since he's covering me today. That will have you working alone, likely desk duty Saturday, but it won't be too bad and you shouldn't aggravate your shoulder much with that. When I'm done with email and such we can binge-watch something on TV - that's not gonna hurt my feelings one bit. Truth be told I'm actually still a little sore from Munch!" he laughed. Judy perked up, having not realized he'd pushed himself that hard. He made it look easy, but he did do some pretty extreme things, like jumping and catching Angela out of midair and tackling a few others. He was also a bit older than her, so there was that. Nick handed Judy the TV remote and her phone and headed into his room where his laptop was set up.

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