Episode 12 - Residence

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Everything was disjointed and confusing.  Judy could barely grasp anything that was going on.  She was lying down, that was a task she was completing, yes.  The ground was very hot and she wanted to get up but she couldn’t make herself do anything - she was stunned.  Her face hurt.  The back of her head hurt.  Her shoulder hurt worse than the other two combined. 

Someone was standing over her.  It was the cheetah she had been chasing.  She wanted to yank some of his spots off and stuff them up his nose.  He was upset.  Why was he upset?  He threw her bag at her.  It was his fault, whatever this was.  He was yelling for help.  There were other mammals around.  Everything sounded like it had an echo and she had trouble understanding everything.  She could hear her own breathing.  She was panting, out of breath.  Had she been running?  Oh yes, the cheetah.  She was chasing him.  She was having trouble keeping track of time.  Things seemed to move fast, then stick, then skip ahead.  Where did cat go?  There was a police officer. 

Hey, she was a police officer, she thought to herself.  Hello fellow police officer. Do I know you?  I do.  You’re Wolford.  Funny meeting you here.  Oh, you are controlling traffic and the crowds.  That’s a good thing.  What happened?  Was there an accident?  There were paramedics, they would help.  They put Judy on a backboard. 

“Where are we going?” she asked.  The lupine police officer leaned in, a look of concern on his face.

“Hospital.  You got hit by a bus, Officer Hopps.  Do you know what day it is?” asked Wolford as she was secured to the backboard that was much larger than it needed to be for a bunny.  The two gazelles lifted her up.  She looked around.

“I was chasing a cheetah.  He stole my bag.  I’m okay, I don’t need to go to the hospital.” Judy stated dizzily.

“I have your bag in the car, so we got that back.  I didn’t see a cheetah.  Hopps, what day is it?” Wolford asked again.  The large canid followed the bunny to the ambulance.  Judy’s hearing was getting a little closer to normalcy; there wasn’t much echo to it.  Unfortunately, as the stun wore off the pain set in.  She hit her head, and the side of her face hurt.  She held up one of her paws.  There was blood on it, but she didn’t know from where.

“It’s Monday.” She finally answered.  “Nick and I just got back from holiday at my parents’ house.” She leaned back, groaning a bit in pain.  Okay, yeah, she needed to go to the hospital.  Wolford helped the gazelles get Judy loaded in the back and they began clipping and sticking monitors to her.  She felt dizzy again as the vehicle started moving.  Then she felt like she was going to be sick.  She groaned that information to one of the gazelles who provided her with some off-pink bucket thing and she let loose in that.  She then thumped back down, head spinning and everything went black.


“Judy?”  The voice was familiar.  Where had she heard that?  Oh yes, it was Wolford, she had just been talking to him.  Where was she talking to him?  She opened her eyes.  It was a white and grey room which was kept a little dark because most mammals were a little light sensitive when they were injured.  She looked up and saw the uniformed lupine police officer standing by her bed. 

Why was she in the hospital?  Then she remembered.  She got hit by a bus.  Wolford told her that.  She felt a wave of fear.  How bad was it?  How seriously was she hurt?  She never saw a bus.  It was this phantom thing she had no memory of.  Was it a big bus?  Of course it was - it was a bus.  What color was it?  Why did that matter?  She wasn’t reporting the accident, there were officers on the scene for that.  She looked back up at Wolford. 

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