Episode 21 - Dessert

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Patrol had gone fairly quietly.  They had two accident reports to take, a shoplifting report that turned out to be a misplaced box in the back room, and a fight between a brother and sister that resulted in an arrest of both for attacking one another right in front of the police.  As the siblings were camels additional officers were sent just because they would not have both fit in Nick and Judy’s cruiser.  That done, as the later afternoon sun really heated up the streets the pair ducked away into a soup and salad place that was a favorite in this part of the city.  Nick enjoyed creamy soups and Judy had a dozen different tasty and unique salads to choose from there.  The dark interior and soft, meditation-style music of the place also made it a favorite spot to go to if the day had been stressful, and in some ways it had.

Judy had awakened beside her partner and realized that she might be more emotionally dependent on him than was ideal for her to be, given their differences and the fact that they were work partners.  She then had to endure knowing both her parents now were given only more fuel to burn to keep warm the notion that it was even deeper than that.  Then the visit with Jack exploding with Nick’s building superintendent added a very rich icing on a complicated cake.  About that time at least Skye would be getting a chance to have a normal conversation with her perhaps unnecessarily revered actor.  It was at least some good to come of the confusing day.

Judy was shaken from her train of thought by Nick’s calm voice.  “You’ve hardly touched your salad, Carrots.  Still thinking about the knife incident?  That stuff usually doesn’t get to you so much.”  She sat up a little bit and put some black-bean salad into her mouth as if just responding to the prompt, like she had somehow messed up the eating of her lunch and was trying to correct it. 

She swallowed after a bit and spoke in a hushed tone, always wary about disturbing the meals of others in a restaurant.  “No, just digesting the day as I eat my meal.  Been a long one, honestly.  I’m gonna be real easy to keep track of at the end of our shift, I promise you.  I’ll be the unmoving little ball of fluff resting wherever I fall.”  She chuckled at that.

“If you’d be more comfortable on the bed with another door between you and outside I would be fine with that.” Nick explained.

Judy took another smaller bite and answered.  “No, I’m okay now.  It was just the initial act and not having a working door at all.  I will have no trouble falling asleep tonight.”  She followed this up by eating more salad.  There was an awkward silence for a bit before Nick spoke up again.

“Your sister followed me on Furbook.  I commented on the Munch match video and I guess she looked up my online name that way.”

“Verdant-Eye-Sly is probably not the most low-key name, really.  Which sister, I have a bunch of ‘em.” Judy was happy for some casual small talk as she enjoyed her meal.  Nick did that frequently if she seemed tired.

Nick replied, “Sammie.  She didn’t say anything, just followed me.  Did you ever figure out what she did with the pillow?”  Judy looked up at Nick with her ears back, expression incredulous.

“Nick I don’t really have to tell you that do I?” she asked.

“I suppose you do.” Nick looked innocent, and only more curious.

Judy smirked and sighed a bit.  “Okay, so… I’m pretty sure my sister has a thing for you.  I think she wanted the pillow because it smelled like you.  Please don’t make me explain what that would be for.”  Nick pulled back a little, seeming a little surprised.

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