Episode 26 - Promises

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"Officer?" A male voice that she did not recognize lifted Judy from her slumber. She winced a little as she tried to roll, realizing that she could not lead with her bad shoulder. She pushed with her leg a little and rolled onto her back. She looked up at the dim light along the wall above and behind her bed.

"Yes?" she asked groggily. Nurses had checked in on her a couple of times, but she did not recognize this one. It must have been shift change. She looked at the pillow she'd been balled up around and smiled, reminded immediately that Nick was no longer just a memory. He was alive. She found that she had to tell herself this as she woke as her mind seemed to want to go back to that feeling of loss for reasons she could not explain. Maybe it was because she had not really allowed herself to mourn, focusing instead on doing instead of feeling. Feeling, in those days, had been insurmountably hard.

The stout, pudgy capybara with blue scrubs and glasses spoke again. "I hate to interrupt you in your sleep in the middle of the night like this. I know you've gone through a lot, Officer Hopps." He clutched his hands together in front of him, seeming nervous. While short for a capybara, the mammal was still a lot bigger than Judy, almost Nick's size, and heavy-looking. But he seemed so gentle at the same time.

"It's alright, I have slept more since I got here than I think I had for the few days before." She sat up slowly, wincing a bit. Yeah, they were definitely weaning her off the stronger pain medicine.

"It's about your partner," the capybara stated softly. Judy's heart leapt to her throat.

"Nick?" she asked, her voice sinking with dread. "Is something wrong?" She knew her fear was audible, but she could hardly bring herself to care. There was an infection, the doctor said he had an infection, did it get worse? Was he not going to be okay now? She couldn't bear the thought of it, and her heart raced, her paws feeling clammy.

The nurse spoke again, "Nothing terrible, but we think you might be able to help us with him." He did not change his composure to be more reassuring, perhaps unaware of how badly he'd just terrified Judy.

She spoke up louder. "What's happened? I will help any way I can."

The broad, meek looking rodent replied, "See, foxes do not like hospitals, they have a lot of trouble relaxing, they are twitchy, they get irritated easily when they are hurt, it's usually not much fun to care for them when they get really messed up."

"I was aware of this, yes." Judy replied wearily. She was herself a little irritated at how nearly disparaging this nurse was being, but she was sure her partner would not be fun to deal with if he was irritated and grumpy. "I take it Nick is giving you some trouble? Sorry, what did you say your name was?" she asked.

"Kyle Goodgnaw. Nice to get to meet you. Um... He won't go to sleep. He's acting super stressed, starts freaking out for no reason, all kinds of issues. He needs to sleep at least a little because he's exhausted. Everyone who comes in there gets a message to come get you, to bring you in there. We told him you are okay but I think maybe he doesn't believe us? He seems really stressed about you, so if he sees you walk in there on your own, and knows you are in better shape than him, maybe he will calm down and rest, we are hoping. Dr. Quill and I were hoping, I mean. Quill left for the day, but said if Wilde didn't rest I could come and talk to you." Judy's heart raced. Of course she would go see Nick, it's what she'd been wanting since she woke up the first time. She worried about what condition he was in, but if he was being a pain it could not be too bad.

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