Chapter 10

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The New Vaizel Fighting Festival

The sins and the Holy Knights had been on the move for some time. Meliodas had caught (Y/N) up to speed on the recent events, on how Meliodas defeated an Albion, a weapon used by the demon race, the struggle fighting Galand in Camelot and how the commandment of truth turned Merlin's body into stone, forcing her to put her soul in morning star, how Gowther stole Diane's memories and Kings anger at him, as well as Ban going off to do his own thing. Right now, the sins were looking for Escanor.

"(Y/N), can you sense Escanor?" Meliodas asked.

"No," (Y/N) said in disappointment.

"Well, I am not surprised, it is only become morning after all," Merlin said still looking for Escanor. "By the way (Y/N), Jenna mentioned that you could turn into a super Saiyan, how is it done?"

(Y/N) sighed "you still want to know about it,"


"Fine, from what I learned, it seems as if it is power by my emotions," (Y/N) said.

"In what way?" Meliodas asked.

"Anger, I guess, I did try other emotions to see if they could work, like disperse and joy,"

"Huh," Meliodas said, "well you wouldn't be helpful against Esterossa,"

"Why?" (Y/N) asked.

"Esterossa is the commandment of love, if anyone has hatred for anything around him, will be removed of their strength,"

"That will be a problem,"

"It will,"

"Is there any way to bypass the commandments?" (Y/N) asked.

"No, they aren't simple spells," Merlin said, "they are curses given to them by the demon king, there is no way around it,"

(Y/N) had a thought but did not say it aloud.

"I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it," Meliodas said.

Just in the moment a huge power serge filled the area.

"I found him," (Y/N) said.

"Are you sure?" Meliodas asked.

"Who else has a power level of 50,000 and climbing fast,"

"No doubt about it, that is Escanor,"

"Should we get on the move now,"

"Agreed, alright Hawk's mom let's move," Meliodas said as the sins continue on the path to Escanor.

Unfortunately, as they were getting closer the presence of Escanor disappeared as the sun fell. The most bizarre thing was some fliers that were dropped by something.

"The great vaizel fighting festival will be held in a few days," Meliodas said reading the poster "the winner gets any wish granted...?"

"isn't that the Town Diane levelled?" Hawk asked.

"Huh, I missed that," (Y/N) muttered.

"What a tempting prize," Meliodas said, "maybe I could expand the bar,"


"Do you think the commandments are behind this?" Elizabeth asked.

"Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised if they thought they could give anyone what they want," (Y/N) said.

"Come on no matter how you..." Hawk said getting interrupted by Hendrikson.

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