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— Argument

Jungkook's P.O.V :

I sigh before letting out a annoying groan as my mind was filled with all the memories I had with Jimin.He never fails to snatch away whatever I like, as if it's his obsession.

I really thought it's all in past and he changed as he became an adult but his words from yesterday keeps roaming in my head only to rise my anger along with worry.

I just hope he won't play his dirty tricks to y/n since she is already struggling with her traumatic past and Jimin will only make her uncomfortable.

"I have to be careful" I mumbled before fixing my tie.

"Careful with what?" I turned around to see Y/n with her brows ceased.She placed the tray on the table and approached me.

"It's my first day in company so I have to be careful with everything or else Dad will be dissapointed again"

I lied smoothly, it's not a complete lie though.It is my first day and I am sure it's going to be a long day with Dad keeping an eye on me.

"Just be calm and I'm sure your father isn't as Cold as he shows.He wants your best" She exclaimed softly and I nodded before sitting on the couch.

I know my dad loves me more than himself ,it's just me who don't want to leave my carefree personality.I have seen dad achieving all his goals but in all these ,he never had enough time for mom and us.He started working in a very young age and couldn't enjoy his life which is why I enjoy every day of my life so I won't regret in future.

Off course I want to make my dad proud and I think it's time for me to be a bit more serious.

Your P.o.V

"Hello~" Jimin chirped causing me to turn around and greet him.He chuckled and sat on the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?" He asked as his gaze shift towards the oven.

"Oh I'm trying to bake cookies" I smiled and he nodded.

"Hmm good but Jungkook don't like cookies" He said and my smile dropped.

"He don't like cookies" I mumbled sadly.I specially did all this for him ,ugh I should have asked Mom about his liking before baking.

"Don't be sad y/n-ah, I love cookies and you are baking my favorites.I won't let your hardwork go in vain"

Jimin said cheerfully and I nodded.

"Where.... Uh Jimin there were some cookies ..did you put it somewhere else?" I asked him who is busy munching and his focus was on Television.

"I ate them...they were really delicious" He replied nonchalantly.Ny lips parted and I just let out a 'Oh'

It was for Jungkook, I thought he will at least taste one once he is back but Jimin ate them all.I can't even say something to him.I sigh and walked upstairs back to Jungkook's room.

I carefully walked inside as Sarang was asleep and plopped myself on the soft mattress.I rolled to other side and sighed.

Am I missing Jungkook?

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