Why is it so hard to see you?

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(A/N: i know this isn't good enough but please bear with me. Also, thank you'sm @Deewambui @LoneSmile and all my readers who shows me love and support and actually waited for me. Once again, thank you so much )

 Once again, thank you so much )

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***Chandra entered a hospital with a light heart and slight smile on his face

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Chandra entered a hospital with a light heart and slight smile on his face. His face seemed somehow fresher than a last night, must be because the weight he had on his mind had finally lifted on.

As soon as Chandra stepped inside a hospital, his eyes started scanning the crowd in search of a person; for whom he had lost his apetite and sleep.

However even after the seconds changes into hours, he sees no sign of Aakash.  He started to move amongst the staff members, his eyes darting more wildly with each passing second, hoping  to see a tall man with his signature sweet smile.

He had woke up early with a hope, happiness and  an enthusiam to meet Aakash. He was so in hurry that he didn't even greet his parents properly nor even look at breakfast his mom has prepared for him. He was excited but now his face has started to look as long as fiddle.

Then after giving up searching by himself, he thought it was best to ask the passerby.

"Have you seen Dr. Aakash?" Even though his mind was in mess, he somehow managed to asked calmly.

"Sorry but no, i just got here" a nurse replied.

" It's okay"

He then moved to  the next one and asked and then the another one but all the answers lead him nowhere close the Aakash.

He ran through the list of places he could be in his mind, checking off the ones he had already searched.
His heartbeat  was impatient so was his eyes.

He fretted out when his beepers beeped.
" why it is so hard to see you?" He sighed and wore his white coat.

All day long, he didn't feel like talking. That innocent and pure face was somehow gloomy just like a weird weather outside.  It was dark and heaviely raining.

"Dr. Chandra, Someone is looking for you" a middle aged nurse informed him.

Chandra's face immediately  lightened up," for me? Who? Where?"

"Aummm, i am not sure Dr.Chandra  about who but its in a lobby. " she replied awkwardly after Chandra shoot a numerous question at once.

" oh okay, thank you sister". His voice was back to normal.

He knew it wasn't Akash. If it was Dr. Aakash then she would have recognise him and moreover, why would he meet him in a looby out of all the place in hospital?

When he got in a lobby, he saw a familiar woman's face sitting on a couch, about 5'4" height, hair tied in a bun, little wet from rain, holding a dark grey lunch bag in one hand and umbrella in other hand.

She flashed a gentle genuine smile when she saw him.

" Son" she walked  towards him.
" mom? What are you doing here? Its raining. Is everything okay at home?" He asked narrowing his eyebrows.
" You didn't eat anything today, did you?" She asked.

Yea.. he didnt' have anything. He was so busy to look for his friend that he barely eveb thought of food but how can a mother knows everything without even telling them? It's like a telepathy or like they put some activities tracking machine in your body.

"By the way son, your hospital is huge. I nearly got lost. Thank god, that young boy helped me with the direction otherwise it would take me forever to get here" she looked up and around the hospital with big rounded eyes.

" who helped you?"

"Oh god!! I didn't even asked his name. I am getting old now." She shakes her head" but he was sweet and polite and i invited him to your birthday party tomorrow and everyone else. She smiled until her eyes get wrinkled.

" Birthday party? Please, no mom. I am old now and i am not even close with everyone here" he pout his lips.

(This is so typical mom. She didn't asked the name of person who helped her but invited the whole hospital to his birthday party. She always does this every year. She did it when he was in school, also in college years and now too...)

" i know, i do this for this reason as well so that you can get  along with them. Who doesn't love parties? She opened a lunch box and water.

" Eh...me?

" except you" she rolled her eyes.

Chandra just kept quite and think for awhile.

" mom?"
" hm.?"
" did you say you invite everyone? Like litterally everyone?
"Yes. I am not sure if everyone is coming  because of their busy schedule but most of your friends are coming." She replied.

My friends? Are you coming too?
He heaved a long sigh.

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