Will you tell me everything?

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After reaching home, Chandra went straight to his room, threw his bag and fell down  on his bed without saying hello to his parents downstairs.

His mother had prepared the dinner and called him  twice but got no response. She looked at her husband narrowing her thin eyebrows.

It was unusual to Chandra to not see them, moreover not responding when she calls him.

" He must be tired" said his father, looking upstairs.

" but still he needs to eat something right? I will look him once."

She was just about to go upstairs when Chandra's father hold her arm "its okay. Don't worry. He must be tired. Let him take rest first. Okay?"

She looked upstairs again.

" okay?" He asked her again.

She just nodded.

" i need your word my love. Okay?"

" okay" she smiled.

" that's better. Let's  eat now. He will eat when he wakes up"

Chandra's father succeced to  brighten her mood whereas Chandra's mood was still the same; repeating the same question again and again.
Who is his girlfriend?

He had been lying on his bed, staring the celling, musing why Aakash didn't tell him anything.

We are close enough to share such things right? Then, why didn't he say anything? Am i not his friend or is it just me who take him as one of my close one? Am i just a co-worker for him? If i had a girlfriend, i would have definetely tell him.

He was burying himself with his own thoughts. He sighed heavily and touched his temple knowing he was overthinking and he was trying, trying  really hard to palliate his thoughts but all he could think was Aakash.

**knock, knock"

Chandra startled by the knock on his door. He looked at the door, then checked his mobile. It was 2 in the morning.

" son?" It was his mom.

" coming." He replied and opened the door.

" Are you okay son? You haven't changed your clothes yet? Are you sick?" She touched his forehead with her palm.

" I am okay mom. Please do not worry. Just couldn't sleep" he went inside and his father and mother too followed him.

" why is that?" She asked with her narrowed arched eyebrows.

" don't know mom."

"Mmmmm ." " Let me sing a lullaby for you then. You used to deep sleep on your dad's lap whenever i sang a lullaby for you" she smiled.

Chandra turned his gaze to his father and his father nodded with a soft smile.

"No matter how old you are my son. You will always be our little Chandra for us. And there is nothing  better for insomnia than a mother's lullaby"

Chandra smiled then  went to sleep on his father's lap like a three years old kid. His mother started singing but she knew something is off.

" now, tell me what happened?" Chandra looked at his mother, how did she know? She looked at him with her sharp narrowed eyes.

How could he think he can hide anything from her, afterall she is his mother.

" My friend hide something from me." He avoided her gaze and slightly hide his head into his father's lap.

"Why do you think he does that?" She asked.

" i don't know. I just.. just found things from others. We were good friends but..."

"Mmm.." she thinks for a while, " May be it didn't cross his mind"

Chandra looked her dumbfounded.

" Sometimes people forget to tell you things when that is off topic. May be you guys have never talked on those topics."

Chandra tried to remember, "Shit! I am so stupied". He regretted instantly. How could he all blame on Aakash when they have never talked on these kind of  topics.

" Son, you are smart but people are far different than a book. You can not read them as they are. You have to understand them, need to communicate with them. You can not solve problems with people  by yourself. You have to talk with them." Said his father.

" And sometimes problem is just a overthinking of your mind. Sometimes, you feel  like other can not understand you. Its because, you created your problem in your mind and make it look bigger whereas it doesn't even exist in other's eyes. So speak what you feel and think. " continued his mother.

" i will talk to him tomorrow mom, i will surely do" Chandra silently cursed himself but felt relief at the same time.

" Will you tell me everything if i ask?"

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