Pioneer medical centre

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" Pioneer Medical Centre".

He stood just infront of the hospital looking at that large board written " Pioneer Medical Centre" in white on full green color board.
Despite of chilled and light rain of july, his heart was warm. He was warm with the fire of happiness burning inside his chest.
He stood there for almost five minutes. It felt like like finally he could breathe. All these years of late night studies and hardwork finally paid off. He couldn't believe that he was there standing infront of Pioneer hospital as a doctor; correction, as an intern, but whatever, its still hard to be believed as it was not only his but all those medical student's dream to work there, who ever wished to be in a medical field. It has been continuosly on no.1 ranking ever since he had heard its name.

" First day?" A voice disrupted his admiration.
"Uh..yea" he looked at his side.

A man who was bit shorter than him . He had this bright big eyes .
"But how did you know?"
He laughed " come on! Are you kidding me? Who else here has a time to admire the hospital board other than an intern?"
"True" He instantly regreted looking a board that long; like a fool.
" let's go. We are late. By the way what's your name? Mine is Sanjay."

He suddenly round his hand on Chandra' neck as if they were close enough.

"Mine is Chandra" he awkwardly tried to move but Sanjay's grip became more tighter.
He then, checked Chandra from head to toe.

"How old are you? You look young"
" 22"
" wow!! Is that even possible?" Intern at the age of 22? you are like my brother "

Chandra felt more than uncomfortable. He never had any friends who cling onto him like that. He was well displined and so was his friends.
" but don't you ever call me big brother, its humiliating you know? lets be buddy since we are the first to meet here. Wow, I am so excited for today" he hugged Chandra's neck even closer despite the height difference.

When they met other interns, Sanjay introduced himself and chandra as if chandra was his bestfriend
Since forever. He was surprised and speechless by his super frankiness. Sanjay was quick and so was his way of making connection with others.

Chandra could finally breathe after making an excuses to go to the washroom.

Stupied. How can someone talks so much and cling like a leech.
He looked at mirror. That red tika on his forehead was still there. He totally forgot about it.

"Sorry mom", talking to self he bent down and washed his face then looked back at the mirror. Still has some left. He washed his face again.
After making sure everything is gone, he put his hand inside his pant's pocket to take out his handkerchief but ...but he couldn't find it . He searched in his both pocket, back pocket but couldn't find it.

" Use this one" A hand gave him a green shaggy handkerchief.
" huh? " Chandra looked at the hand.
"I said use this one, don't you need to wipe your face?" He said again.
"Uh...Yea but.." when chandra straightened his back and saw that man's face, not a single word escaped from his mouth.

A young man. So young and those sparkling fish shaped eyes when he smiled so softly like a petals caught in a breeze, showing just enough orderly setup teeth between his soft lips. so alluring, so mesmerizing.

" You are so slow". That man suddenly wiped down Chandra's cheek with his handkerchief.

Chandra got startled and his feet unknowingly stepped back. He mentally slaped himself for doing so but he was totally dumbfounded by the sudden action of another man. Ofcourse, who wouldn't startled by such action especially by a man to man.

Aakash scoffed " hey!! Relax. I won't eat you."
He laughed and handed his handkerchief to Chandra " such a baby boy, wipe yourself now"

Chandra could only nod his head as he couldn't find any word and felt a sudden rise of hotness of in his body.

" And don't forget to return my handkerchief." Saying so, that man went out.

Chandra was still dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react that time untill he realized,

" Shit shit shit..Chandra, you just acted so stupied, so embarrasing and you didn't even thanked him, even better. " he frowned while cursing himself and looked at that green handkerchief.

Weird. The handkerchief was old and saggy; undoubtedly unbelievable to be carried by such young man.

" Good morning everybody, Welcome to the Pioneer Medical Centre and congratulation to the new beginning of your life. I am Dr. Shisir; incharge of your batch." A man in his mid 40's welcomed fifteen of new interns including Chandra. He was with other two doctors who are bit younger than him.

" you will be dividing into 3 groups, five in each group and there will be three senior doctors to train and supervise you all." He looked at his paper and continued " here are you seniors" He pointed each of them "Dr. Arjun, Dr Anzila and Dr...."

" Sorry , sorry, sorry i had a patient" A man rushed, breathing heavily and smiled.

Chandra's eyes widened. That man with his alluring smile. He is a senior? He looked so young that he thought he was an intern. And he came late and just smiled?
Chandra and Aakash gaze met  at the same time.
Chandra immediately looked down and was desperately hoping that Aakash wouldn't remember him.

Dr. Shisir just shaked his head "you and your patient"
" okay okay, Attention everybody, here is your other senior Dr.Akaash"
" Hy, nice to meet you all". He flashed his alluring smile. Innocent but contagious.
" wow,he is so handsome"
"He is so young"
" what might be his age?"
"Look at his smooth face and that eyes..gosh i am dead"
" i wanna be in his team"
Instead of greeting back to Dr. Aakash, interns started to whispering into ears but loud enough to heard by everyone but chandra just looked at him especially his eyes, hard to explain, not green nor brown but so seductive like anyone could be drunk in his eyes.

" Don't be too excited ladies, he might looks young but works like a donkey."
" Come on, Dr. Shisir! Don't scare them like that otherwise i won't get any of them on my team"
"They will find out soon Dr. Aakash." he emphasized his name.

" So, here i will call your names followed by your incharge's name, listen carefully.
Dr. Amit, sanish, Raju, Nikesh , and Anika on team Dr. Arjun, Dr. Rakesh, Sara, ..."

Dr.Shisir was calling the names but Chandra's heartbeat was racing fast and his body became more tensed and started to sweat. His heartbeat was beating loud and he could feel his own  body burning inside.
For some incomprehensible reason, he was hoping not to get into Aakash team.
He was embarrased that on his first day, he acted so stupied infront of his senior, but the fate has planned otherwise for him. His name was called under Aakash.
After hearing his name; he instantly looked at Aakash  but quickly turned his gaze down as he found that Aakash was already looking at him.

"Now, everybody follow your respective seniors, they will show you around and will assign your duty." Saying so, he bid a farewell.

"Hey! We are on the same team. See buddies sign? " Sanjay smiled brightly as if he had topped his medical exam and Chandra could only flashed a little smile. A fake smile.

Everyone followed their seniors but just as Chandra was about to follow his team, Aakash turned back and looked straight into his eyes. Chandra felt helpless with those sudden stare and gulped down.
Akash slowly wiped down a bit of red color from chandra's coat and fixed his collar.
" Rule no.1, if you can't take care of yourself, then you can't take care of others. Got it?"

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