Its beautiful

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(A/N) Hello guys, i am preparing for my PTE-A exam please wish me a good luck.
And i am sorry i thought i uploaded this chapter last week but it was still in my draft.

"You are exactly 1 minute 20 seconds late, Dr. Sanjay"
" i am sorry Dr. Aakash"
"Apart from Dr. sanjay. Four of you will join me in OR" Aakash commanded everyone.
" but Dr. Aakash..i am sorry" sanjay pleaded with a pale black face.

Being a surgeon student, not being able to attend in surgery is a worst punishment. Every surgery counts as every case is different. The more surgery case,the more experience you will get.

"Your sorry doesn't work in exigency Dr. Sanjay. Every second counts here. 1 second can kill your patient. So, No. you will work in ER today. If you want to scrub in OR, be on time tomorrow." His voice was firm.

Sanjay could do nothing but accepting his order. He knew that excuses doesn't work in hospital.

" EVERYONE? aakash raised his eyebrows. NOW"
Everyone startled and followed Aakash to the way to OR.

" God, he is strict" said Sanjay
Aakansha looked at Sanjay and mumbled" He is HOT"

12 hours straight work is not easy and moreover, the residents are making intern's life hell. In every room, there is a new patient which means new disease and case, which means interns must have answers for every question of residents and attendents. Some are trying hardest to impress their residents whereas some are being attacked continuosly by them.

" Shit! This is hell" Sanjay lied down on a bench with all his hands and legs hanging loosely like a panda sleeping on a tree.

" looks like your blood is sucked down" said Nikesh standing on his side.

" yea by residents. God they are litterally trying to make our life hell"

"Not ours. Only yours"

" yea yea atleast i am not trying to impress them"

Nikesh scoffed," you can't even impress them with your little brain"
"You." Sanjay immedietely stand up and grabbed Nikesh's collar.

" guys, stop it. Don't make a scene here unless u want to kicked out"Aakasha stopped them and sipped her coffee to retrieve from her sleepiness

"Right. I better utilize my time by sleeping than to fight" Sanjay closed his eyes for a few good seconds to calm himself down and pushed Nikesh.

Chandra just kept looking at them like a child who has never seen anyone fighting. He didn't say anything. He was never intrested in fights and dramas and moreover, trying to stop elders fight is something he has never done before. Even though everyone said they are a friends, a team, not an elder brothers, he still felt uneasy to treat them like one. It was still hard for him to call them by their name.

" Hy guys" Everyone halted, standing in an attention position seeing Aakash all of a sudden in a canteen.

What is he doing here?

" Relax guys, its your break. Here, for you" he laughed and gave a coffee to Sanjay.

" for me?"

" Yea, an apology drink. I was harsh on you this morning. You know the rules here" he apologized with his soft voice.

" No, no, no thats fine. I know its my fault. I will..ummmmh" he cleared his throat. " surely come on time from next time"

" Good" he smiled and then he looked at Chandra.

"And thankyou for the coffee, Dr. Aakash"

" oh .. na.. its nothing. Can i sit with you all? I am tired"

Everyone looked eachother. Chandra was silent. He just looked at Aakash. Even though their eyes met, this time chandra didnt hide his gaze, instead he showed a tiny friendly smile when Aakash smiled at him.

" yea why not?" Sanjay gave his chair to Aakash and sat on a bench.

" So, how was your day?

" exhausted" Aakansha replied getting her chair close to his.

" i know how it feels. It aint an easy thing to be a doctor, especially in an intern phase" he smiled and sipped his coffee.

Even though he said he was tired, he looked as fresh as a sunflower. It has always been a deep secret in hospital about how he always managed to look fresh even after 72 hours of work.

" but you will get though it after all your name is Sanjay, a victory. Right?" He asked.
" yea" sanjay proudly smiled feeling motivated by his name.

" And i am Aakansha means desired . Desired by everyone" everyone rolled their eyes.

" what?" She asked looking at her friends.

" nothing. Its a cute name" replied Nikesh .

Everyone laughed.

" And yours?" Aakash asked Chandra.

" CHANDRAAAA" Sanjay answered before chandra could opened his mouth. Everyone burst out with Sanjay's pronunciation.

Chandra looked down at his book trying to hide his gaze. He tightened his lips and started fidgeting his legs.He wished to dig a hole in a ground and hide there forever. He knows this name sounds so..
"Why are you laughing. Its a beautiful name"

Hearing this, Chandra expression changed slightly and looked up at Aakash in disbelief.

" Chandra means the moon. it means to shine brightly. His parents must have thought for a long time before they named it"
Chandra and Aakash eyes were glued at eachother.

Chandra didn't believe what he just heard. Noone has found this name beautiful other than his parents. It has indeed a beautiful meaning but in reality, it sounds old in 21st century especially for Chandra's looks. His looks and his name doesn't match well together . He gets nervous when someone jokes about his name but suddenly those eyes of Aakash makes him calm.

" why your name is Aakash?"asked Sanjay trying to divert his mind from Chandra's name.

" because i was found under an open sky. " He paused and took a long breath. " Aakash means Sky"

Everyone got quiet. They didn't know what to say anymore.

" sorry Dr. Aakash" Sanjay applologized; especialy for his stupiedness.

" hahahha. Relax. Its okayyy, its not a secret here. " Aakash laughs to ease the situation.

" beep , beep" Aakash beeper beeped. He
Looked down at his beeper and said
"have to go. Enjoy your break guys" he flashed a smile and walked away.

Everyone looked at his slowly disappearing back.

"Wow, he is ...something else" Said sanjay.
" now, i love him even more" Aakansha started to fangirling again.

While everyone was looking at Aakash, Chandra secretly took out the green handkerchief from his pocket and smiled " Thankyou"

The Ordinary loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon