A warm walk

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(A/N) Its 1 am and i am still writing here as i promised myself that i will be more active in writing my story. All thanks to,  anushka0109 kazol123 alinagrg7 for encouraging me and truly waiting and supporting me. I promise to post a new chapter atleast twice a week.
Iloveyou all. 😘😘

"My god, did you see him?" Sanjay suddenly spoke walking in the middle of group.

" if you wanna die, then die. Wow!! Just wow. This sentence is literally ringing in my ears" he continued shaking his head as if he just woke up from an unrealistic dream.

"His fearless face and they way he talked. It still seems so surreal to me"said niskesh while fixing his round eyeglass. " i have never seen a doctor like him before"

" i agree on that" said sanjay again.

" same here but i am feeling kvell that i am actually in his team. He looked so HOT. I am already in love with him." Aakansha bounced on her flexing feet; intertwing the fingers of her hands. She was deliriously happy, giddy even like a little girl who just got a especially large christmas gift.

Chandra walking on the side was silent as his mind was visualising every single movement of Aakash. His every move was fast and smooth. Even though he sounded rude, his eyes were somewhat a little wet . His eyes.
Chandra sighed. It was.. 'magical'.

" Doctors" called Dr. Shisir from behind.

Everyone turned back.

"Yes doctor"

" its your first day today so its revising only. You all have to see, observe and understand the patients and working environment here and revised your theory knowledge today. Tomorrow you have to report it to your incharge, Dr. Aakash. And oh! here is a name cards and beepers for you all. You all have to wear it everyday on duty. Understand?"

" yes, Dr."

" And.. umm." He looked everyone and then

" Okay You" he pointed at Chandra.

" Me?"

" yes. You. Could you please do me a favour. Here is a file that needs to be handed to Dr.Aakash. He is in Operation theatre now. Can you please give him this tonight?

"Yea...sure Dr. Shisir" Chandra took the blue filed and flashed a smile oddly.

After lengthy hours at work, holding a blue file, Chandra was standing at the entrance of hospital. A man with a height of 178 cm, perfectly self built muscle wrapped by a clean white shirt and black pant with a blue file and a white coat in his hand; smiling gently to passerby was quite a sight for everyone. From staffs to visitor, there was none that didn't turn back to see him.

It's already 11 pm but there was no sign of Aakash. He was tired,moreover, afraid. Afraid of how to talk with Dr.Aakash. Their first meeting didn't end so well.
He sighed.
They don't have enough time to talk more than a minute. Right? Yea. he told himself that he will just hand the file and go home.

Just then, Aakash opened the entrance door looking as fresh as in the morning. He was in operation theatre for hours and hours but still, not a single tiredness was shown in his face. Instead, he was smiling. A calm, gentle, soothing smile which beautifully forms a creascent moon shape eyes. He looked absolutely adorable with his thinner upper lips when he smiles, and fluffy short hair.

He bid a farewell to his mates.

" Dr.Aakash" Chandra called him.

Aakash eyes widened when he turned back.

" l was waiting for you."

"Hm??" Aakash raised his eyebrows.

" i mean..i "
Chandra tightened his lips and "ah.. umm.. Dr. Shisir asked me to hand this file to you" he handed the file to Aakash.

"Thankyou. You might have waited a long."

"Not really. Just two hours" he casually replied without thinking.

" sorry"

" NO...no, i didn't mean like that." Chandra hurriedly tried to explain but,

Aakash walk ahead,
" It's okay i know i am late"

Chandra couldn't say anything. Again.

" But hey, its not my fault at all. I didn't know you were waiting for me." He turned back.

Chandra was speechless. He didn't know what to say anymore. It wasn't in his plan to talk like this. He just wanted to give the file and go home.

" Aren't you going home?" Aakash changed the topic. He knew Chandra felt awkward.

" yea...Driver uncle will come to pick me up" Chandra started walking," but how do you go home? By car?"

Aakash smiled," by my pair of legs".
He walked without looking at Chandra.

Chandra cursed himself. The more he talks, the more he is doomed.

"Do you want an ice-cream?" Aakash asked, entering the icecream shop, near to the hospital.

" Ice-cream? You are a doctor"

" Who says Doctor can't enjoy their life?" The shopkeeper lady laughed at his answer.

"Sometimes, you ought to live your life, the way you like"

By now, Chandra promised himself that he will not speak at all. Anything he says turn back like a stone, hardly hitting him.

"I am tired. Need an icecream to feel better and i am walking for 15 minutes, which will burn the calories of icecream. So, its okay" Aakash gave one icecream to Chandra.

They walked again.

It was a summer night with a clear sky, whether not even a single leaf was swaying to make a walk beautiful, instead, it was a warm night with a bright light of moon and only a distant spatterings of dog's barking are heard.

They kept walking without talking to eachother, just enjoying the warm night with an icecream.

" Here comes my house" Aakash showed a small apartment, with an old , dim street light on the side.
"Oh, i forgot to call my driver uncle" Chandra took a mobile from his pocket. He totally forgot to call driver and instead, walked down with Aakash without realising.
" How can i forget it" he murmurs himself and called his driver uncle to him up.

Aakash laughed," indeed a kid".

Chandra looked up at Aakash.

" Be ready for tomorrow. Good night" Aakash plugged an earphone in his ear and waved his hand.

"Shit, how can i come here with him" he cursed himself. Again.

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