First case

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Suddenly there was a screaming in the ward and in just a couple of seconds after the sound was  heard, Nurses along with the ambulance rescue team  ran with a stretcher.

In a blink of eyes, people formed a moving nest around the oncoming patient. Weird but its a typical habit of asian, to need to know every drama around them. Even patients who couldn't walk were straightening their neck to see it.

Aakash turned back to his team and asked "everyone ready?"

"Yes, Dr.Aakash" Everyone said in unison and followed him. They were both nervous and excited after all it was their first case of internship.

"No no i don't want to live..let me die" a young lady in her early 30's was screeching while her wrist was wraped with a  filled with blood.

" Dr, please save my daughter.. please" her mother begged. Her father was holding her other hand preventing her to take out the sawal.

" She cut her wrist.. please. She .. she .." her mother sobbed unable to utter a word further.
" she is pregnant doctor"  still she managed to continue and kneeled down in an agony.

Aakash without any delay checked her pulse and looked at a nurse. A nurse whose face was filled with seriousness. Her hair bun was clean and tight that not even a single strand was moving. While everyone was busy looking at a patient and wondering why she wanted to die when she was having a new world in her womb, Nurse checked her here and there without anyone noticed. Her every move was fast, smooth and accurate.

"How does it happen?" Aakash asked.

Her mother couldnt say anything. Her eyes were swollen and her lips could hardly speak anything.

" she..."
Her father inhaled a long air before continuing " she  caught her husband cheating on her"

Even though he is not crying as much as his wife but his stage is no less than her. His dishevelled shirt, trembling hand and a bare foot covered with blood was hardly maintaining his manlihood.

" please save my daughter doctor" he joined his trembling hand as his tears flow down from his almost dusk like face.

" let me die.. please. let me. i don't want to  live anymore .. let me die" young lady cried even louder.

" okay, you can die"

Everyone's eyes widened by the sudden statement of Dr. Aakah. It seemed surreal to everyone especially to new intern. They looked completely unplussed. They were trying to avoid eye contact with the patient's parents and the atmosphere

" If you want to die then die. I don't want to waste my time persauding someone to live." He continues.

What ? what is he talking? Everyone was terrified by his words. How can someone be so cruel and heartless. His face was straight and still that not even a single worrieness or nervousness was shown in his face. A man who was beaming with his beauty before, suddenly looked so serious.

"See around you, there are lots of patients here who wants to live. I better treat them than trying to persuade an amatuer like you" his voice was firm.

Everyone was confused. How could  he talk to a patient like that. How can a doctor let a patient die? There was this rising questions in everyone's heart. Though, Chandra didnt say or react anything but he was confused too. He didn't take off his eyes from Aakash, not even for a second.

Aakash signaled  to a Sr. Nurse and without any word, she went out.

Aakash then started talking with other patients and check their reports. It wasn't even 2 minutes,nurse came back with ultrasound scan and plugged in just on the side of that pregnant lady. Aakash turned back immedieatly  and  put the gel and transducer on her womb.

"Lub dub lub dub lub dub"
" see your baby here" said Dr. Akash.

The strong, straight and rude voice suddenly sounded so soft and kind.

"Is that.."She looked at the screen and tried to touch it.
" My baby?
" yea this is your baby who wants to come out in this world and play in your arms"

Her hands caressed the screen as a regret of kiling her innocent baby poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

" you are crying seeing your unborn baby but you were just like this when your mother first saw you. She was crying too hearing your heartbeat for the first time. Now, you know how it feels to feel your baby. Look at your mother, you were trying to kill her daughter. If you had died today then it wouldnt be only you who died. You would kill your mother's baby and your own baby and for what? For a man who cheated on you? Is he really worth of three lives?"  Aakash continued.
Though his voice was firm and straight, his sharp eyes were somehow a little wet.

She looked at her parents. Her mother's face was messed up with swollen eyes and her father was without any slippers, hands covered with his daughters blood.

"I am sorry. Mum, dad. I am so sorry"  her body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears.

Her mother held her hand with an red wetted swollen eyes.

" its okay, as long as you are safe. Its okay"

" i was selfish thinking about myself only mum. I am... sorry" she hugged her mother's waist with an unstoppable flowswollen eyes.

" we are taking her to other room for treatment. Please fill up the consent form" Sr. Nurse kindly requested the parents.

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