Special Birthday

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Its was early morning when Chandra and his father went out for a walk. It was still dark yet a golden thread of morning light wanted to pass through a darkness creating a beutiful orange glow to a morning light.  They could feel a cold light wind passes by the trees, flowers and finally passess by their cheeks and a chirpiness sound of birds brings a calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. It reminds chandra's father of the time when he and chandra used to come for a mornig walk everyday. For a moment his mind conjures the rhythmic waves, soft on the wet grass and feels his heart beat to the same slow pace. He breaths in deeply.
" Do you remember how you used to wakeup early just to follow me for a walk, Chandra?"  He asked.

Chandra smiled at his dad and nodded.

He and chandra used to go for a morning walk everyday, but when chandra joined medical college; they barely had a time to go for a walk together. Today chandra's father took a day off from work on occasion of Chandra's birthday whereas, it was coincidence for Chandra to get a day off from hospital.

After almost feels like two hours, both father and son returned home.

There was a buzzing sound coming from a house. Chandra's house was full of people; running from one place to another.

" Dai ( brother) that flower needs to be here, not there. " One of the neighbour aunt told a florist.
Some were busy with the lighting things, whereas other were busy with the catering.

"son, you came?" Chandra's mum came wearing a red cotton kurtha.
"Yea! Good morning mom." Chandra smiled and touched her feet.
" happiest birthday son." She hold his shoulder and hugged him.

" i am also in line mam, can you hug me as well" Chandra's father teased his wife.

" oh this old man, never change" she narrowed her eyes and pout her lips, spreading a faint pinkish blush on her cheeks. " Come on, get ready for the moring pray, we have lots of things to do for the party later" she added.

" Whatever you say, my lady" Chandra's father bow down infront of his wife.
Chandra and everyone around them giggled at his action.
" oh so Shameless." She quickly ran away from her husband.

" Do you know your mother loves me more than you son?" He looked at his son and smiled. Anyone could see the love in his eyes.

Chandra nodded and smiled back at him . He knows his father. He never gets tired of flirting with his wife, even after all these years.

It was the perfect birthday in every sense from lighting to decor and from music to food, infact Chandra's mother hold his birthday party every year and invites everyone including his classmates and school friends whom he had never spoken before.

It used to be quite awkward for him but since it's a birthday party, eventually, everyone has to talk with eachother. May be it's a little trick that his mother play to make friends for her introvert son.

It was around 7 pm when he got a call from Sanjay
" Hello" Chandra answered a phone
" Hey!! We are outside of your house"
" okay, wait a minute, i will come outside". He went out to pick his friends.
" hey , my brother, happy birthday" Sanjay immedietely hugged Chandra.
"  you said "we" who else is coming?" He looked around.
" oh Nikesh and Aakasha is also coming."
" just them?" chandra raised his eyebrows.
" yea, that's all is in our group, who else are you looking for?
" No, no one" he looked little down. " let's go inside"

" mom, dad. My friends are here" Chandra called his parents to introduce with his friends.
When Chandra's mom and dad turned around, Everyone gets stunned.

Chandra's mother laughed at them.

" OH...MY ...GOD"  Aakansha looked at Sanjay and Nikesh. " is this real guys?
" oh my god, Mr. Bijesh?" sanjay looked at Chandra, father and then to Chandra. " So, your dad is Mr. Bijesh, THE BIJESH, top advocate of Nepal?"

Chandra just nodded. He  knew their reaction gonna be like that.

Chandra's father quickly  broke the awkwardness.
" Hy, i am Chandra's father. Nice meeting you all "

" Namsete Sir, it's a great pleasure to meet you" Nikesh joined his hands to greet him.

" oh don't call me sir, just call me uncle, i am Bijesh at work only."
" alright guys, enough with the introduction. Chandra, Take you friends for a snacks" Chandra's mom tried to divert their attention to party.
" Sure, mom".

" And there is a drinks as well guys, don't be shy okay?
" Mom..??" Chandra widened his eyes.

Aakansha and sanjay laughed.

" what..? Everyone is adult here, enjoy your birthday today"
" Sure, thank you aunty. YOU ARE REALLY GREAT" Sanjay shows two thums up to Chandra's mom.

After having a dinner, they went to Chandra's room, they talked , played and It was hardly 9' o clock and sanjay and Aakansha could barely stand on their foot. Nikesh was also drunk but not as bad as sanjay and akansha.

Chandra sighed looking at them.

As he doesn't drink, it was no fun for him. He was feeling bored and empty.

He looked out the window and walked out in balcony. He then sits on a outdoor chair and looked up in the sky.

It was only a few minutes when he heard a familiar voice" why birthday boy is sitting alone here?"

Chandra's heart skipped the beat. He knows this voice.
This soft deep voice.
He quickly turned around.

He hold his breath but could still see the faint outline of wrinkles around his eyes—eyes which seemed to sparkle ever so slightly despite the dullness of the room.

Yea it Aakash.

He was wearing a maroon fitting shirt rolled upto his elbow with dark blue pant and well polished shoes.

That maroon shirt was complimenting his white bright skin.  He was looking completely diffrent today. Different than in hospital.

" Not enjoying the party?" Aakash came near to Chandra and asked again. " why are you sitting alone?"

" aumm just.." he couldn't get an answer.

" Are you not happy? " Aakash asked again, looking straightly into Chandra's eyes.

" Now, you are here, i am very much happy " Chandra smiled at Aakash.

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