Blissful family

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When i turned the photo, i was stunned.

That photo was my dad's.

White coat and stethescope on his neck,what could suit him more than that?
He was standing between grandma and grandpa. I am not sure if its a perfect summer days of october and november or his white coat or his brightest smile ,which made his face bloom like a  flower of spring making the sunrays hide in a shame. I wonder if anything could glow like that.
An alluring smile that was revealing a perfect row of dazzling teeth like a setup pearl ,forming a faint curve on his lips which reached up to his sparkling innocent eyes ,making it crescent moon shape made the perfect example of beauty.
On the other hand, my grandparent's face were no less than seven color dancing in the sky plastered with wide smile that reached almost upto their ears, an eyes that radiates the happiness of the world and a proudness in thier chest would reach the height of Mt.Everest.

That picture was undoubtedly most precious and beautiful as it  has an other side of my father which i have never seen in my 16 years of life, a pure touch of happiness. Now, i know why grandma was shocked when i asked her if dad was always like that.

Grandma carefully took the picture.
She caressd the picture dropping her tears again but this time, she didnt wipe it. Growing more melancholy in her face, i became more curious and kept looking at her.
She looked at me for a long time but didnt say anything.
"I am already sixteen years old, grandma. I can understand things now" i encouraged her to tell the story.
That story which i have never seen nor heard before. That story which holds a ginormous pain of my grandparents. She looked at grandpa whose face was turned black like a cloud that could rain anytime, then  she looked back at me, she looked my eyes like she was looking for something, like she was reading something.
She heaved a long sigh before looking back at the picture.
" My son had a brighter smile than a moonlit night"


" Dad, i am late. Where is mum? Chandra asked his dad looking at his wrist watch.
" Your mum is always into prayers, do you think she gonna finish early today knowing  its you first day at hospital" his dad just laughed and brush down a dirt from his dirtless white coat.
" Coming dear, coming, dont rush. You do not need to rush in such  an auspicious day."  Chandra's mum quickened her pace, holding a prayers plate in her hand wearing red new cotton saree.
" Blessed my eyes but are you going somewhere wearing new cotton saree; leaving me behind?" Chandra's dad went close to her.
" Don't come near me, you don't have any shame, don't you? Speaking like that infront of our son" she scolded him in her embarrased voice while her cheeks turned red.  Chandra couldnt stop chuckling at his parent's sweet fights.
" It's my son's first day at hospital so i prayed in new pure saree, there shouldn't be any mistake in today's prayer" said mum, while organizing her prayers plate.
" come here my son, lets put tika" she readied the plate which had red tika,flowers and fruits on the side.

" , doctors are not allowed to put tika, flowers and all those stuff in hospital, please dad, say something"  Chandra poutly requested his dad who was busy in laughing.
" There are some rules and regulation in hospital love, do you want our son to be scolded in his first day?" dad tried to explain her.

She nodded but her eyes turned down along with her sudden change of dark face. All that excitement were gone.
Chandra couldn't not see her gloomy face. His heart hurts everytime whenever he sees her down face. He knew that  she had woke up early in the morning to pray for her son while knitting a thousand of dreams and blessings for her son. He knew how excited she was for him.

He sighed.

" ok ok, just put little much of tika mum. I will wash my face before i starts the duty" Chandra gave up seeing her gloomy  face. He then brushed his hair on the side to put tika on his forehead. Seeing that, her face immiediatly  shine like a twinkling star in the sky.

" I wish you a good luck on your first day, may god fulfill all your dreams. Work hard and learn wholeheartedly. May everyone loves you on your work. God bless you always " she put tika on his forehead. Then, Chandra touched his parent's feet to take a warm blessings.

"My son" she caressed his face softly.
" Yes, your son is getting late love, can you let him go now" chandra's dad teased her again showing his watch.
"Let's take a picture. We need to capture our happiest day".  Chandra's dad took out his camera from his neck and called Daman to click the picture who was wiping a car to drop Chandra at hospital.

Chandra stood between his parents and got ready for picture.
"Wait, Is my saree good? My hair? Where should i put this prayers plate? "
" You are always perfect love"
"You shameless old man"
Everyone laughed and just then Daman captured the picture.

A blissful family was all they needed for a perfect picture.

"I know you will do good my son,  don't be nervous . Work hard." Chandra's dad fixed chandra's already fixed white coat; 15th times by now, trying to hide his own nervousness.
" i will dad, don't worry. I should go dad; i will be late if not headed now".
" okay".
" Take care of yourself son, eat on time".
" i will mum. I will. Dont worry . See you tonight." Saying so, Chandra hurriedly get on the car, heading towards his long life waited dream.
" Pioneer Medical Centre".

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