A hug.

194 21 8

" My god. I am so tired. Seriously like i could sleep for a year right now. Right here." Sanjay leaned on a staff door like a zombie, specially with his wet curly hair and a drowsy pale face.

" its hard to maintain a beauty and a doctor life at the same time." Aakansha frowned touching her own cheeks with two palms, looking at a small mirror attached on a locker door.

"OH MY GOD. Look at this dark circle" her eyes widened even more. " Also, look at this baby face. What happened to you?" She talked to herself looking at the mirror " i better get a habit to put a sheet mask in my locker now" she continued complaining even when she gets on a bed.

"I will get this top bed, hopefully i will get to use this by myself only" Sanjay jumped on a bed, his face facing down to pillow. " oh God this is heaven" he slept instantly in his weird spiderman pose.

Its not just Sanjay, but everyone were already asleep with thier weird sleeping pose. They must be super tired to not care anything at all. Moreover, Hospital's bunk beds were too small to fit for two people but since they had limited bed, they didn't have any options but to squeeze in.

Chandra lied down on the bed just under Sanjay's. Even though his eyes were drowsy, he couldn't wink to sleep. It was his first time sharing a room with others. After a long shift, it would have been nice to sleep, finally, yet he felt restless.

He looked around.

Everyone was so deep in sleep that even snoring could be heard in that plain white room.
He tossed and turned in his bed covering his ears with his pillow before he gives up.

" Arggghhhh, what a military tanks" He stood up and walked outside the room.
He gets a water for himself and was just about to go back to the room when he saw Dr. Aakash and Dr. Shisir talking; just outside the staff room.

He hide in the corner.

"How could you do that?" Dr Shisir asked, more likely to complain.

" C'mmon Dr. Shisir. You know how bad she was." Aakash replied with his calm tone.

" We were trying to contact her parents. Why do you have to give all your salaries for her medical expenses."

" They can pay me back after they get here"

" what if they don't come? You will lose your money"

Aakash smiled.

" that is why i gave my salary. I couldn't wait and watch her to die till her parents arrives. What if she is an orphan just like me?" He asked Dr. Shisir back.

" But still."

" Dr. Shisir. What will happen if i just lose my few months salary? I don't have a parents to give my salery, i don't have a girlfriend/ wife to take care of. I might have an empty stomach for few months but she will get a years of healthy life ahead and that's more satisfying to me." Said Dr. Aakash

Dr. shisir just sighed. He knew how Dr. Aakash was.

"And i know i will not have an empty stomach because you will buy me a food." He chuckled.

Dr. Shisir scoffed. "Don't expect that from me."

" i know you love me. Moreover, i am your best Assistant. You don't want me to take a sick leave." He teased and tried to hug Dr. Shisir.

Dr. Shisir dodged him. " don't try to be smart-ass to me"

Aakash pouted and purposely acted sad " i guess no one cares for me. I don't have any.."

" Don't you dare to say it " Dr. Shisir threatned him.
Aakash just chuckled.

He knew Dr. Shisir and other cares and take cares of him but still, he couldn't just watch a young girl to die infront of him. He doesn't want anyone to suffer just like him.

" okay! Let's hug"

"Get away" Dr. Shisir turned back and walked away.
" c'mmon just a hug." Aakash followed him raising his two hands, like a little puppy.

" Don't act cute to me."

Chandra looked at them from behind.

" He gave his salary to treat a patient?" Said Nikesh standing behind Chandra.

Chandra startled from a sudden voice.
"He is either a saint or stupid. " Nikesh shakes his head and walked into the room.
Chandra got on his bed and tried to sleep. He changed his sides again and again but he couldn't stop thinking about Aakash.

He closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep but then he heard someone opening the door. He peeked with his half opened eyes.

Room was dark but instead of turning on the light, that person turned on his mobile's dim light.

It was Aakash.

He looked around. Everyone was sleeping with a weird pose occupying a whole bed.

He then, saw Chandra sleeping at the corner of the bed.
He sighed and went to Chandra's bed.

Chandra quickly closed his eyes fully and acted to be in a deep sleep, while Aakash lied down on the side of Chandra as quiet as giraffe.

After a few good minutes, Aakash startled when Chandra suddely wrapped his hands around his arms.
" i miss you mum." Chandra mumbled with his closed eyes.
Aakash looked at him and sighed heavily," what a baby".
He then turned left to face Chandra and hugged him back.

Chandra's lips formed a curve under a Aakash's arms and a lines fan from his so called sleepy closed eyes.

(A/N- please don't forget to vote. Good night.)

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