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A/N : it is getting worse outside because of Covid-19.
Please stay home and be safe.

It was early morning, Chandra was writing his report sitting on a bench in cafteria.  He fold his left pointed finger just below his lips making his lips  pout when he stopped  to think for a while.

A mild sunrays passing through a dancing leaves has lightly touched his black hair and slipped down to his cheek making his clear skin glow in a pinkish color.

" Coffee?" Just by then, Aakash asked leaning on the pillar of open cafteria .He looked like he had been watching him for a long time.

Chandra smiled like that was a first good thing happened in that morning. He had a gentle smile. A soft and polite one that could calm anything.

" i already had one. Thankyou though" he replied.
" i will get one for myself then" Aakash smiled and turned back to get himself a coffee.

After few minutes, Aakash sat down across Chandra, placing his hot chocolate on the table.
Chandra looked from his long eyelashes. He blinked. Hot Chocolate with marshmellow?

"Seriously? Hot chocolate with marshmellow? How old are you?"  Chandra asked holding his laugh within.

Aakash rolled his eyes." So what? I don't like bitter things"

" you could have chai latte then?"

" eww i don't like the taste of cinnamon" Aakash cringed.

"Are you even a doctor? You are more like a child."

" yea..everyone says that. I am starting to believe it now. Oh god! What to do i am so cute" he sipped his hot chocolate slightly grinning behind a cup.

" you are cocky"  Chandra chuckled at his action.

" hey!! I am your senior"

" technically, we are outside of hospital" Chandra grinned.
He had started to talk like that with Aakash lately. He had never spoke to anyone like that, specially to seniors. He was always a polite kid but unusually he started to feel comfortable with Aakash.

" i should have let you call me Dr. Aakash." He pouted, fakely showing the regret on his face.

** beep beep** , **beep, beep **

Their  beeper beeped at the same time.
They checked their beeper and looked at eachother.

" Seems like an emergency" said, Aakash.
Chandra nod his head and  both ran leaving their unfinished coffee on the table.

When Chandra entered a Emergency room, his legs halted on the same spot as he entered there.
A suddent crowd flowed down from the wide entrance of automatic sliding glass doors, ambulances lined up outside, paramedics wheeling in patients on trollies, some were bleeding from heads, others were crying saying their hands are not moving, some were unconcious, and some.... some were on bed with leg on his side, seperately.
Emergency room  was all covered with blood in just a couple of seconds.

"What happened?" Aakash  asked one of the nurse; checking the patient from running trollies.

" Two busses crashed on eachother."she replied.

Doctors were checking from one patient to others. They didn't know where to start from. Nurses were were running and preparing all that could be needed there.

Seeing all those scenarious, Chandra got panic. He was standing in the middle of the mass; completely lost. He always knew how doctors life gonna be but facing in reality is much more challenging.

" Dr Chandra.."
" Dr Chandra" Aakash shouted from the corner of the room.

" yea..yeaaaa Dr. Aakash" Chandra  got back to reality and ran toward Aakash.

He immedietely tried to check patient but his hands were shaking. His lips were dry and his eyes were unstable.

Aakash looked at him and hold Chandra's shaking hands.

" Dr. Chandra" Chandra looked at Aakash.

" Relax. Take deep breath. Breathe"
Chandra looked around again and closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath n opened his eyes.

" Can you do it?" Aakash asked looking into his eyes. Somehow those eyes calmed Chandra's racing heart beat.

" Yes, Dr Aakash i am ...i am ready."
" Good" Aakash ran to check other patient.

Chandra took a deep breath again and cut the patient's shirt with scissor.
He then checked his heart beat with stethescope.

" He is still conscious." A nurse said.

" What are his vital signs?" He asked.

" it is 70 over 40, pulse 140."

" His lungs sounds diminished on the left side. If he is bleeding from a bus crash then it might be hemopneumothorax. Please prepare 16 gauge needles."

" yes Dr. Chandra ."

" then, prepare a chest tube as well"

" okay."

" There are lots of patients here and don't know how many are still stuck in an accident spot. So, you might need to sleep here untill further notice so be prepared. " Dr. Shisir held a briefing including all the doctors and nurses.

Everyone looked eachother.

" Any problem here ?"

" No, Dr. shishir"

" Good. Because if you have then you can GO home" he said  and went back with other specialists.

They worked  non-stops for almost 32 hours when finally they get to give a handover to other shift.

Everyone went to take a shower to cleanse themselves from all those bloods and sweats.

They smell like shit.

Everyone got into bathroom. An open bathroom; where everyone can shower together.

Chandra stopped at the door when he sees everyone walking in their underwear.
Its quite normal among boys but since he had never lived with any other boys not even in a hostel so, he didnt have an experience about that.
Moreover, he was a junior, much younger than any other there so he felt awkward. They were bathing in an open shower.

Aakash was about to shower when he saw Chandra standing in the middle of a door with a towel in his hand.
He easily read his mind by his reaction.
Aakash then wraped his waist by towel and went to him.
He pulled Chandra's hands and walk ahead.

Then, he put him in a corner where others could hardly see him; even though it was open.

" You can bath here."

Chandra looked at Aakash.

" Are you a prince or what?" Aakash shakes his head. " Can't even bath in an open shower . Look who is a child here " he chuckled  and got out .

Aakash stopped an intern in his way to opposite shower, who was just about to go to the corner shower head; where Chandra was in saying  " that shower head is not working properly, just use the other one"

Chandra  kept looking at him.

Aakash opened a shower and run his fingers in his soft fluffy hair showing his sexy naked forehead.

Aakash did't have six packs but his body was well built. Just a perfect amount of muscles in his well cared smooth body.
Water ran through his wet hair and hit his flexed shoulders to flat hard stomach making his body wet and sexy.

Chandra heart pumped fast for a second before he turned back and quickly turned on his shower to cool his mind.  He breathe harder than in ER.

After he showered, he turned back but Aakash had already left.

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