twelve: island clowns

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The days went by, the weekend finally arrived and you know what that means? That's right: Jeju island, bitch!

The trip had been long and tiring, but we were finally on this beautiful island where we would be having fun for the next three days. If there was only one good thing about Bobby it was his parents and their shitload of money.

And speaking of the devil, his stupid ass and my crazy ex-girlfriend had spent the two days prior to our trip in detention and doing community work after the dean found out what they were doing at the museum. As for me, I got suspended for two days for making his nose bleed, even though I had done it in the defense of someone else's honor. How they even allowed me to come to Jeju was beyond me, but I wasn't about to start questioning them. Besides, I had extra work to do at school when we went back.


Anyway, back to Jeju, after picking up our luggage at the airport, we left on these big excursion buses and finally made it to the mountain national park and lodge that we'd be staying at for the weekend. The place was really beautiful and big; cabins spread around the venue, tall trees, flowery fields and a small lake. Nature at its finest and I couldn't ask for more.

Due to incidents from the past (I still deny my participation in any of them, by the way), they had decided that boys and girls would stay at opposite ends of the venues – them in the cabins around the lake and us in the main lodge so they could avoid a repeat of the previous years.

Oh yeah, I guess I haven't told you about this...

While it's true that I hate Bobby's ass with a passion, there was a time in my life (a very dark one, mind you) where we could be together without arguing and actually agree on things. You see, we'd known each other since elementary – basically our entire lives! And believe it or not, we used to be best friends even though I was a year ahead of him; so much so that we actually spent our summer vacation together after he finished sixth grade. After that, middle school came and hormones hit, which led to a bunch of ridiculous mischief and a whole lot of trouble.

Which brings me to the 'incidents' I mentioned before.

It was our first school end-of-year trip and we were super excited to be staying at the beach for three whole days; especially because back then our cabins weren't apart.

Back then Mr. Yang was just a simple assistant teacher and he didn't know much about us except for a few innocent pranks we've played on our classmates here and there throughout the year, so he had no reason to believe there would be a problem with having the two of us together outside of school grounds. We were innocent kids, you see.

Bitch, they thought.

Bobby and I had been waiting patiently for nighttime to come so we could go on with our plans. And to be honest, it was as stupid as it sounds, but for a couple of hormone-driven prepubescent assholes back then, stealing the girls' underwear while they slept was literally the coolest thing ever.

But it didn't end there – oh no, our plans had shifted since we met Hanbin and we became a trio of dirtbags because our new friend was as perverted as they came and, apparently, he had stolen a bunch of dirty magazines from his older brother, including a book we had never even heard of before.

Yep, you guessed it. The Kama-fucking-Sutra.

I must admit that our upbringing surrounded by uppity people and living in rather fancier neighborhoods had made Bobby and I much more naïve and innocent than I'd like to admit but seeing the naughty things Hanbin would show us every day, I realized that there was a whole world of things for me to discover. But one thing I was completely and unequivocally sure about now, was that I was a hundred percent a lesbian.

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