Chapter Fifteen

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~Truth be told, the truth is rarely told. I say I am fine, yeah I'm fine, oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine ...but I'm not. I'm broken~.

Mathew West ft Carly Pearce.


"Corrine! Can you please get in here!" I heard Genesis' voice calling out loud like a psycho. It had been a week since my run and he had not even addressed anything about me leaving. In fact, he had flat out ignored me and I was beginning to get irritated.

"What? What do you want?" I hissed as I walked towards the kitchen where the source of his voice originated from.

"Why isn't there anything to eat?" He asked, his silver orbs blazing, a red rim forming on its rim.

"Um, cause I'm done?" I replied, glaring at his fall figure.

"What do you mean, 'you're done?'" He asks, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"Well, I'm done with this coven! You told me I could leave but why aren't I already gone?" I glared.

"Do you really want to leave that bad?" He whispers, his voice coming out quite vulnerable that my eyes on their own accord began to widen.

Did I really want to leave? I had rejected Genesis as my mate and there was nothing I could do. He himself even said it, there's no place for a wolf in a vampire coven. His coven would tear me apart and thought scared me. Our bond was never meant to be. A vampire and a wolf would never really work.

"I really do. You said if yourself, a wolf has no place in a coven. I should just complete my journey and head to Blue Ridge Pack because I don't have a place here or in Crystal Star." I declared, the words being true.

"So you want to go to Blue Ridge Pack?" He asked, his brow raised.

Did I have any choice? I couldn't go rogue and I couldn't stay here too.

"You know the answer to that."

A flicker of a memory raced through my mind. They hated my previous pack and this was the only opportunity for me to ask them about it so without stopping to think or overthink it, I blurt out,

"Can I ask you something, why do you hate Crystal Star so much and please don't lie."

He looks shocked.

"Why do you want to know?" He muttered after a few seconds.

"Well that's the sole reason I am here and the reason you flat out rejected me...well without saying the actual words." I confessed.

"I cannot tell you." He says.

Of course. What was I expecting? A honest reply from the man who has never really paid attention to me.

"Okay, sure." The disappointment could be easily noted from those few words. I turn around ready to walk away from him.

"Corrine, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because I cannot. It's the biggest secret that holds our coven together and if I let it out, it'd crumble the coven. We swore never to reveal it." He answers and I have no idea how to feel about that.

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