3. Rescue plan

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It's past midnight where I live, which means today's Sunday, which means I can update without feeling guilty about not sticking to my program (which is posting on Wednesdays and Sundays). So, here.

Also, I cannot, for the life of me, write accents. So just uhhh pretend it's there?

"Oh, don't cry! Crying has never solved anything", a familiar high-pitched voice piped in. Misto jumped and looked around.

"Come out, Rumple", he said annoyedly.

Rumpleteazer, one of the troublesome ginger twins, jumped off a tire, followed by her brother.

"What do you want?" Misto snapped.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer sat down on either side of him. Although the question had essentially been directed to Rumple, it was actually Mungo who answered.

"I used to work for Macavity", he said in a much more serious tone than Mistoffelees had ever heard him use.

"Yeah? What's this got to do with anything?"

"He's a master manipulator, liar, and exceptionally good at convincing people to do things they normally would be horrified at. And when you realise what you've done... Well."

His and Mistoffelees' eyes met and he held his gaze for a moment, dead serious now.

"I don't want anyone else to go through that regret and guilt."

Rumpleteazer lay a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"What he's saying is, we wanna help you get your friend out of there."

"You would...?"

Misto looked from one to another, hope building up on his face.

"Who needs Munkustrap anyway?" Mungojerrie asked, his usual cheek now returning. "Our way's just as good!"

"Mungo... I... Wow, thank you so much but... I can't drag you guys into this!"

"Oh, who's dragging who now?" Rumpleteazer sarcastically asked. "We're the ones who came up with that idea, in case you hadn't noticed."

She jumped up and held out her hand to Mistoffelees.

"Come on, let's get going!"

Misto stared for a while, then grabbed her hand and allowed her to pull him up.

"I wouldn't rush like that, if I were you", a tired voice put in.

The three Jellicles whipped around. Standing behind them was a grey, miserable-looking queen which they had seen around a couple of times. The elder cats seemed to despise her and want to keep them away from her.

"Who're you?" Misto asked cautiously.

"Grizabella. I used to be a member of the tribe... You were just kittens."

"Bomba and Munk hate you", Rump pointed out. "How come?"

"Because I... Made mistakes, long ago. And they haven't forgiven me."

"What kind of mistakes would they not forgive?"

Grizabella waved off the question.

"Now's not the moment for that. The point is, I know Macavity, and you can't just go rushing in his den like that."

Misto studied her warily.

"Why would you want to help?"

"Because... Everyone deserves a second chance."

She looked directly at Mistoffelees.

"Your friends here seem to have more than enough energy, but without me, you won't make it out of there alive. Do you want to see your friend again?"

Misto seemed to hesitate, but the thought of Eriva convinced him. And it was true that the twins were pretty reckless.

"Okay. That makes four of us then."

Grizabella looked satisfied.

"Perfect. Now, return to the tribe, all three of you. I will keep watch, and let you know when the moment is right."

Misto nodded and obeyed, signalling for the twins to follow. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer looked flustered, but after all, Mistoffelees was the leader for this, and he seemed to have decided to trust Grizabella.

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