23. The invitation to the Jellicle Ball

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I just realised there are  only three chapters left in the first book - guys - omg! That means in two weeks we're done with the first book aaaaah

There was something in the air.

Ever since she had come back from the Jellicle junkyard after Chormarelle nearly drowned, Celestiara had been able to feel it. Leeko, Anu and Kerry knew something that the rest of the tribe did not, and quite clearly, they were waiting for something. She was quite confident it was nothing to worry about - the grown ups seemed more excited than anything else about it. Which was precisely the reason she was so eager to find out.

"Everlasting, can't you sit still for two seconds?" Kerrybimble cried out in despair as she shifted positions for what felt like the hundredth time in a couple of minutes. Tiara shook her head uncomfortably.

"I don't like being groomed", she moaned.

Kerry ignored her and returned to licking her coat clean.

"Tell someone who cares", Edinson put in, slinking into the den.

Tiara glared at him unhappily and he laughed.

"You'd better not brag about, Ed, you were far worse than her when you were a kit!" Kerry snapped, and it was Tiara's turn to laugh. "Stop squibbling!"

Celestiara sat up into a comically straight posture and remained absolutely still. Kerry rolled her eyes and muttered something about "that kitten driving her crazy". Eventually, Tiara gave in to her surrogate mother's annoyment and rolled on her back so Kerry could lick the fur on her tummy.


It was Anu's voice, and she sounded excited. Kerrybimble looked up from Tiara's coat.

"What- Oh!" she suddenly exclaimed, understanding what Anu wanted to tell her. Tiara and Ed exchanged perplexed glances but their elders ignored them and trotted out of the den.

"What the Everlasting-" Tiara mumbled to herself.

"Sounds like we're about to know", Ed replied. "C'mon!"

The two cats ran out of Kerry's den, firmly decided to find their elders and spy on them if need be, but as soon as they were out in the yard their attention was diverted by something else.

"Oh, the twins are back!" Tiara exclaimed.

Two very pretty and impeccably groomed Siamese cats, one queen and one tom, were indeed sitting in the center of the yard, studying the tribe. Immediately forgetting - at least for now - about Kerry and Anu, Ed and Tiara ran up to them.

"Star! Moon! We missed you!"

The queen took a step forward, looking down on the kit.

"To you it is still Moondrop", she told Tiara coolly. Celestiara ignored her cold tone and happily nuzzled against her. She pulled away, glaring at her, but her brother gave Tiara a slight lick on the forehead. She giggled and rolled on her back in delight.

"Just because we haven't seen you in a while doesn't mean you can get this close, Celestiara", Moondrop snapped.

Tiara rolled her eyes and rolled back on her paws.

"Fine", she snapped back. "What's brought you back, anyway?"

"Gemerald came a while ago. He said there was something going on and we had better stick around", Starbeam explained.

"Ooooh, so there really is something in the air!" Tiara said happily, turning to Ed. The latter nodded.

"You mean to say you don't know what it is, either? I hardly see how that can be so exciting", Moondrop commented, unnecessarily grooming her already perfect coat.

"Oh, it can't be bad", Tiara replied lightly. "Else Anu would be worried out of her mind. Plus, she just left with Kerry, and they looked like excited kittens."

"I doubt they would ever behave as childishly as you do", the proud queen mumbled.

"Well, she is a kit, Moon", her brother whispered in her ear.

"Yes, and that's exactly why I don't like kittens."

"Okay everyone, gather around!" Anu's voice called across the yard.

She had jumped on a stool on which she usually took place when she had something important to tell the tribe, only today, unlike usual, Lady Felegrine was sitting next to her. The two Siamese cats, Tiara and Ed crossed the yard over to her. Gemerald, Kerrybimble and Leekochlorus were already sitting around the stool. Quickly enough, the triplets, Chormarelle and Porthusalem had joined in too. Anu made sure that everyone was there before speaking up.

"Okay everyone, I have exciting news."

Tiara looked at Ed and they exchanged an eager look.

"You're all aware that lately, there have been quite a few interactions with another tribe of cats, the Jellicles."

Some cats nodded, others just stared at her, wondering where this was going.

"It so happens that the Jellicles are a much... Older tribe than we are, with much better established customs. Among these customs is an important event which is to take place next week."

She allowed herself a dramatic pause, looking around at the cats who were now all waiting eagerly to know more. Tiara had never seen Anu look so much like a kitten. She was obviously having a lot of fun.

"It's called the Jellicle ball, and we're invited."

The cats and the moon - I/ TWO TRIBESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora