18. The rescue

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Celestiara ran down the hill, on the other side than the one she had gone up. Once she got to the foot of the hill, she looked around, unsure where to go. There wasn't a second to lose. What if she took the wrong direction?

However, much to her surprise, she found that she knew exactly where she was. She stood next to a tall wooden fence, and from the other side of the fence came a familiar scent. She pawed at the fence. She was at the back of the Jellicle junkyard!

Excitedly, she began running again, going around to the entrance of the junkyard. As soon as she could, she slid in, jumped on a pile of junk, and...

... collided with a tall, black and white cat, who grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"You're not a Jellicle! What are you doing here?"

"You're..." she thought very fast "Alonzo, right?"

"Oh yes. the Moonlit kitten. What was your name again?"

"Celestiara. Please", she panted, "one of my friends is drowning, I need help!"

She tensed slightly as she realised she had used the word friend on instinct, without even thinking about it. Thankfully, Alonzo didn't waste time.

"Stay here, I'll be back."

He jumped in the center of the junkyard, calling for a few cats to follow, then came back to Tiara.

"Show us, quick."

Tiara set off running again and led the group of cats all the way up the hill again. There, Maerissa and Porthusalem had managed to set out a branch for Chormarelle to hold to, but as they got there, the branch had obviously just snapped.

"Chorm!" Porthusalem called after his friend, who was sinking again.

Alonzo dove into the water without pausing to think, grabbed the kitten by the scruff of his neck, and swam to the edge with irresistible strength. Plato and Cassandra held out a branch to him; he dug his claws into it, and they proceeded to pull him and Chormarelle to safety. Tiara jumped in and helped, putting in all the weight she could. Soon enough, the two cats were lying on the grass, their coats drenched, breathing heavily. Cassandra rested a paw on the kitten's chest and pressed it. Chormarelle coughed, spitting water. Plato was checking if Alonzo was safe. The other kittens assembled awkwardly around them. Chormarelle eventually stopped coughing.

"Thank you..." he shivered.

"What got into your mind?!" Alonzo exclaimed angrily. Plato made a sign for him to calm down and Alonzo muttered through gritted teeth "You're lucky you aren't my kitten or you'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble right now. And you can thank Celestiara."

The ginger kitten was now lying on the grass, licking her injured paw. Cassandra went over to her.

"Are you hurt?"

"My paw is... Sensitive", she said. "It's okay, but I've solicited it too much lately."

"Let's get back to the junkyard", Alonzo ordered. "You're coming, all of you", he told the kittens sternly. "We'll tell Munk what happened and you can rest there until you're ready to head back."

"What about the rest of our tribe? They'll be worried", Maerissa pointed out. "Can some of us go home and warn them that Chorm and Tiara are safe?"

Alonzo thought for a moment.

"You know your way back?"

"Yes!" Artemis exclaimed, fluffing her tail indignantly. "Of course."

Alonzo eyed them suspiciously.

"You were allowed to be out here on your own, were you?"

Artemis shot him an offended look. The other kittens, however, nodded.

"Yes. Anu said we could if we took care of each other."

"Well, you have a funny way of taking care of each other. I think Plato should walk you back."

Artemis grumbled angrily but Maerissa purred soothingly in her ear and she calmed down, though she remained visibly upset.

"I'll stay with Chorm and Tiara", Maerissa said. "You three go home."

Her tone was soothing. Valentine nuzzled against her in agreement then went over to Artemis, seeking comfort and protection. Artemis softened up, as she always did for her younger sister, and nodded to Mae.


She signaled for Porthusalem to follow them. The long-haired kitten anxiously rubbed his head against Chormarelle's drenched coat then followed. The three kittens left, escorted by Plato, leaving Mae, Tiara and Chorm alone with Alonzo and Cassandra. The two adult cats grabbed Tiara and Chorm by the scruff of their necks and carried them to the junkyard. Chormarelle meowed in protest but Tiara simply purred, comforted.

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