15. The aftermath

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Following Eriva's acceptance, the cats scattered all over the junkyard. The kittens returned to Celestiara and this time, they began playing around, jumping up and down the yard, climbing everywhere, swinging off the trapeze and chasing each other all over the place. Munkustrap sat with Alonzo and Demeter left his side to settle down next to Eriva, who stopped talking to Mistoffelees and greeted her gently.

"How are you feeling?" Demeter asked her.

"Actually... Fairly relieved."

"I'm glad you're staying. And don't worry about Munk. He'll come around eventually. Besides, Old Deuteronomy has accepted you, so he has no reason not to."

Eriva smiled happily and rubbed her head against her friend's shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" she asked her.


Eriva nodded. Misto winked at the two queens and went off to talk to Edinson.

"I'm... So relieved I could cry", Demeter admitted. "I wasn't exaggerating when I told Lady Felegrine I really need Munk. The thought of losing him was... Just terrifying. By the way, thanks for your help out there."

"Oh... I'm not sure it really did help, but I meant what I said. Even though he doesn't accept me at the moment, he is your mate and I can tell how much he matters to you. And you're my friend."

"I think it did. I think every single thing we said did." She paused for a while. "Grizabella included."

"I don't get... I don't get why you dislike her that much", Eriva admitted. "She helped get me out of Macavity's den. And the Moonlit seem to love her."

"Yeah. Especially Anukari. She and Bomba have a hell of a lot in common."

She sat up straight, looking around.

"Grizabella used to be a member of our tribe. But she left us because she wanted to be a famous actress. She and Bomba were very close friends... Bomba felt betrayed. I don't know if she's ever been this close to someone since then."

"No one will ever replace the relationship I had with her. That doesn't mean I can't be this close to someone."

Both Demeter and Eriva jumped as Bombalurina came up behind them and settled down between them.

"But I'm over her now. We've all moved on. I have you" - she smiled at Demeter - "and I have Tugger. And I share a relationship with both of you which is probably as close as the one I had with Griz... Though of a different nature."

She lay down, resting her chin on her paws. Demeter and Eriva mimicked her posture.

"Everyone's over her now. Even Munk..."

Demeter twitched uncomfortably. Eriva gave them an intrigued look.

"Munk and Griz used to have... A thing", Bomba explained. "He and Demeter haven't been close for that long. But he really loves Demeter now", she added firmly.

The three of them looked over to Munkustrap, who was still talking to Alonzo. At some point, he looked up in their direction and a faint smile played on his face as he watched the three queens lying down together, in the exact same position. It would take him time to get used to Eriva, he knew, but Old Deuteronomy had spoken. Besides, Bomba and Demeter trusted her, and he relied on their opinion. If he was perfectly honest to himself, he essentially didn't like that Misto and the twins had gone to rescue her when he had explicitly said it was too dangerous. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer sure always had had a way of breaking rules, but he had thought Misto had more sense. However... He sure did seem attached to the blue-grey queen. That could be the beginning of an answer.

Lady Felegrine and Old Deuteronomy had walked away from the group of cats and had been talking to one another in hushed voices for a moment now. Suddenly, Old Deuteronomy looked up and made a sign for Munk, Bomba and Alonzo to join them. Lady Felegrine called out to Leekochlorus, who had been speaking to Plato. The four cats left their occupations to respond to their leaders' call. Edinson watched with mild interest.

"What can this be about?" he asked Misto.

"I have absolutely no idea. It's usually hard to know what Old Deuteronomy is thinking. And I sort of understood it was the same with Lady Felegrine?"

Ed laughed.

"Yeah. You never know what's on her mind."

Misto laughed along, then suddenly twirled around as a kitten leaped on his back. Pouncival rolled to the ground and got back up happily. The rest of the kittens were now surrounding the two toms. Ed raised his eyebrows at Celestiara.

"Having fun?" he asked her.

Tiara responded by exchanging a playful look with Etcetera before the two of them pounced at Edinson. The handsome tom rolled to the ground with a laugh and fought back the two kittens, claws sheathed. Misto watched for a second as Electra and Jemima joined in, then jumped into the fight to help Edinson. Pouncival, Tumblebrutus and Victoria playfully jumped in as well, and soon even the combined efforts of the two young toms were lost to the energy of seven kittens. Misto extracted himself from the fight and pulled Ed's hand.

"Come on!"

The two of them ran off, too quickly for the kittens to follow. Etcetera hissed, playfully angry.

"No fair!" she called after them. "The fight wasn't over!"

"You want more fighting?" Tumblebrutus asked her with a challenging look. Etcetera eagerly nodded and pounced on him, laughing, quickly followed by Celestiara, Jemima and Electra. Pouncival and Victoria threw themselves at Tumblebrutus' help and soon enough the seven kittens were rolling on the ground again, crying with laughter.

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