25. Shared secret

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Might be one of my favourite chapters. I think it's cute.


The yard was buzzing with activity. Lady Felegrine had explained that they were to prepare dances and songs for the Jellicle ball, for Jellicles enjoyed music and would never let go of an opportunity to sing. And besides, being invited to the Jellicle ball was an honor.

"It's not only a great celebration", she had told them, "it's also a ritual. A spiritual ceremony. We must count ourselves blessed that Old Deuteronomy has invited us himself."

"How come he did so?" Porthusalem asked, buzzing around his elders under the benevolent look of their leader. "Is it because you saved that cat?"

"Partly, I believe."

"I think Old Deuteronomy holds Lady Felegrine in high esteem", Leeko said softly. "And he would like their two tribes to get closer."

Lady Felegrine bowed her head in an honored gesture. Leeko was right, certainly. But to think that Old Deuteronomy himself held her in such high esteem, that he wanted to bring his tribe and hers together! It was more than she could have expected, when she began gathering cats around her to form a tribe.

"Munkustrap and Alonzo were quite clearly in favour of the idea as well", she simply pointed out.

"For different reasons, I think. They really want to keep their tribe safe, and we have proven that we can help with that."

There was silence as they all felt the looming threat which Leeko hadn't named, but was in everyone's mind: Macavity. Of course they were all brought together by their fear, hatred and will for revenge against the Mystery cat. He had done enough harm. Demeter, Eriva, Celestiara... Too many cats had been hurt already. Perhaps, if the two tribes came together, they could keep each other safe.

"Aren't you going to come and practice?" Artemis called from the spot in the yard where she and her sisters were prancing about, impatient to begin rehearsing the numbers they had put together.

"Artemis!" Anu hissed warningly. No one was allowed to use such a tone with Lady Felegrine.


She said it quickly but she looked like she truly meant it.

"Set the tone apart, she was right", Kerrybimble put in. "We've had a long enough break."

The cats got up, leaving Lady Felegrine to sit alone, watching them with a benevolent eye. They had thought first to retell the story of their tribe, the adventures of how Lady Felegrine and Anu, with the newborn triplets, had gathered cats around them, found a refuge, slowly creating a solid tribe of cats. However, this was too brutal for some of the cats, like Ed or Tiara, who couldn't bring themselves to talk about what they had been through. They had therefore decided that some of the cats would have solo numbers, while other numbers would be group ones, and the content of the number would be decided by the cats involved.

"Ed", Artemis was calling, "should we practise our duo?"

It had been decided, much to Tiara's annoyance, that the youngest adult of the tribe would dance a duet with the eldest kitten. Edinson wasn't exactly happy about this either, well aware that Artemis was very interested in him. He hated being mean to anyone, but Artemis' behaviour towards Tiara made him truly angry. Having to dance with her meant he would have to pretend everything was fine, when really he was boiling with anger. And the way she tried to flirt with him all the time annoyed him.

He moaned mentally but nevertheless joined her, taking her outstretched hand. She winked at him and he forced himself to put on a stage smile as they stood face to face. The number began softly as he put both arms around her waist to bring her down, her body arching gracefully towards the ground. Her fingers brushed against the pavement before he pulled her back up, his hands sliding along her body to grab hers. He barely gave her time to get up again and, using the energy of the movement, pulled her towards him, sending her twirling under his arm. She fell into a split and he came behind her, lifting her as though helping her to get back to her feet, then carrying her over his shoulder. The music became more energetic as he made her twirl quickly, before sending her across the yard. She pranced around the would-be stage, gracefully bending her legs and pouncing in the air. He stood aside until she finally collapsed in front of him, giving him his cue to get into action in turn. He had a few solo moves to perform before she jumped back into action and they danced for a while, jumping, pouncing, twirling around.

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